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Monday, December 12, 2011


Right before he graduated from High School his girlfriend dumps him, leaving for a not so happy graduation. Scott then hangs around online, meeting a girl, who his friend thinks is a dude from Germany. Scott falls madly in love with this girl then, Cooper gives him the brilliant idea to just go to Europe and seek out this girl. Scott and Cooper leave to go backpacking and soon meet up with the twins, Jenny and Jamie who were already in Europe and decide to go with them on this quest to find her. Along the travels they meet up with some very hardcore football fans and get stupidly drunk with them. They end up taking a very long train ride where they meet some older guy in a white suit who is all to friendly. More mishaps and odd things happen while on there way to Germany.

As the poster says, from the producers of, Road Trip and Old School, while watching it (not knowing this) I saw quite a few similarities between the three movies, basically the old traveling from Road Trip, and the funny and smart humor from Old School, mix it with some teens and Europe and you get, EuroTrip.

The acting was decent to say the least, wasn't anything to outstanding but it didn't fall flat either. Most the actors you may be able to recognize with the exception of a few.

Story was good, though it sounded and looked very familiar, it was still pretty good, left laughing from start to finish. Humor was also the huge reason why it was so funny, a lot of stupid and outrageous humor throughout the whole film, getting even funnier towards the end, there wasn't a moment where it wasn't funny, well maybe a few, but that's it.

Giving everything that went odd in the film, it was a pretty funny film.

I give, EuroTip. _7/10_

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