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Thursday, December 1, 2011


Frank ( i guess) is your average guy (somewhat) he works as a fry cook at some restaurant and is married. Not long after, his wife leaves him for some pimp type of guy. He has a mental breakdown and decides to go on a Personal journey and discovers that he will be a super-hero. But, before that happens he thinks that god is talking to him and planting the idea in his head. He goes to the comic book store for more ideas and meets a worker, Libby who helps him create his character. He then creates his alter-ego, The Crimson Bolt, who uses very violent ways to stop crime, like hitting someone in the face with a very big wrench. Going around posting pictures of himself saying "Shut up, Crime". After trying to get his girlfriend back the girl, Libby discovers his other identity and wants in on the action, she becomes, Boltie. The two go around town stopping crime, all leading up to the final battle where, Crimson and Boltie go to, Jacques home and try to win over his ex-wife.

Well, I don't know why I have a fascination of these, "Real life superhero" films but, they get better with each one, sometimes.

The story was pretty strong but not so great, guy meets girl, girl dumps him, guy goes crazy and tries to win her back. Okay, somewhat good.

There were some good twists in this film, mainly towards the end when things really started getting good. The film did keep my attention, but the end of the film was where it was at. Soundtrack was almost not apparent, some songs could be heard but mainly it was a dark and quiet film, not a bad thing, I'm sure there was more music played during it, but nothing outstanding like most.

Acting was fairly decent, with most of the actors you may know, like, Rainn Wilson, Ellen Page, Liv Tyler, Kevin Bacon. Yes there were more actors in it, but those were the ones that stuck out the most. My favorite was Ellen Page's character, Libby was just a very odd person.

This was an IFC film, which would explain the lower budget, but none the less, it was still a film you should check out if you like those "real life super-hero" films.

I give, Super. _7/10_

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