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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Quantum of Solace

Bond now is seeking revenge for the loss of Vespa, M warned him don't do revenge, but Bond didn't listen and is out on a personal mission to take down the people that killed her. MI6 captured Mr. White and tried asking questions, only to find out that he's part of a unknown group. Mr. White escapes and Bond is forced to chase him. After things get to personal for Bond, M calls in to cancel Bonds credit cards and trace him. Bond meets up with a girl, Camille Montes who Bond learned was being chased by someone wanting to kill her, the two become friends and Bond learns of his new target, Dominic Greene who ordered her to be killed but failed when Bond intersected. Bond figures out his cards don't work and seeks out help from,  RenĂ© Mathis who helps Bond get to Bolivia to get on a plane. Bonds learns that Camille is also seeking revenge from General Medrano who killed her family in a fire when she was a little girl. Bond and Camille both go to the desert to seek out and kill Rene and Medrano. Earlier Bond learns that Rene is not making a drill site to dig or oil, but to take the water from the area and try to sell it. After Bond and Rene have a pretty epic fight, Bond does take to his word, and lets Rene live, leaving him in the desert with just a can of oil.

Another awesome Bond film in the series. Although I was kind of on the fence with this one.

The story is great and the acting is good, was just as good as the previous one, but, something about this film just (to me) felt a little short, don't know if it was the story or acting or what, but just felt out of place. After watching both films back to back, this film would of almost been better as like Casino Royale 1.5. This film was an hour shorter than before and felt like this should of been apart of Casino Royale rather than it's own film. This film does take place an hour or two after the events of Casino Royale which is good, but I think it could of been longer, only a run time of 1hr and 45mins. They should of have another 30 minutes or more to include more story. 

Action in the film went even above and beyond than before! The film opens in an epic car chase, followed by a foot chase, which leads into a boat chase then a plane chase dog fight. Land,sea and Air, this film chases it all. This film did feel as if it had as much action as before, just not as much story, the action out weighed the story. 

Music was just as good as before, same kind of music played throughout the film, the intro song was good, but felt a little week and not so, Bond like. But music was good. 

I give, Quantum of Solace. _7/10_

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