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Monday, November 22, 2010

Awesome Stuntages: Reborn

So, a couple days ago, i learn that my favorite server on all of SAMP, is being, REMADE, or there calling it, "Awesome Stuntages Reborn". 
This is either a good thing or a bad thing. On there offical site, most of the users want the new server to be the same in every way, and i think the dude that's doing it, is actually listening to them and may just remake it in the same way the original was.
It's still under construction but when it's playable, it may be just the best thing ever. By the way, the image above is the new logo, it only looks promising to a great new beginning.
The new site is now -Awesome Stuntages new site- where you can read all the new updates and what all the users are saying what should happen, and you will have to, rejoin to talk, as all the old accounts are dead. But soon I hope very soon, it will be up and running!! I cant wait. 
I'll post again if something happens that's a big improvement or when it's open.

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