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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer

Lets See. Good acting? Check. Good Story? Check. Old school effects? Check. Somewhat Decent actors? Check. Awesome looking monsters? Check.

Monster Slayer- Is about a guy named Jack, who is a plumber and one day while on the job he hears about a legend about a house that is filled with evil. Days later his Science teacher becomes an evil monster and is creating little demon monsters and it's up to Jack to stop them all and become a Monster Slayer.

The only actor i knew in this movie was Robert Englund, but that's fine. This movie had a pretty decent story line, filled with somewhat good actors playing there part pretty good.

The effects in this movie, were very very old school, they used molds for the monsters, pup-petering, Some stop motion here and there, some of the effects they used have been around since about the 60's if not before that, but that made this movie just more awesome.

I loved how all the monsters were very unique and awesome looking. They really spent there time with coming up with cool looking monsters.

This does look like a hollywood B movie, and it is, But!!! it's an awesome B movie, that should be watched at least once.

I found this at a video store for only a few bucks and decided to buy it, it looked strange at first, but i figured what the hell. This movie didn't disappoint at all, kind of slow at first, but once the main story gets going, its a gore action monster killing movie.

Monster Slayer IMDB link

UPDATE** I just read that a sequel is in the works!! so im guess in a year or so.!!

I give Jack Brooks Monster Slayer a _-6.5/10. Was very good for a B movie, but it did have it's weakness.

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