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Friday, November 26, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathy Hallows Part 1

It's that time again. It's time for...Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. Unfortounitly it is just part 1 of 2, but in six months, we will all get to see part 2.
This on like the rest of them take place right after the last movie took place. Again we follow Harry, Hermione, and Ron, while they try to seek cover from the Death Eaters. A wedding gets crashed, some lives are taken, and many people get hurt, and that's in the first few scenes in the movie.
The three main characters in the movie make some pretty hard choices to stick with harry and help him defeat Voldemort, And in some down they disguise themselves as other people and some rather funny scenes happen.

I have always been a fan of the HP movies, and an even bigger fan of the Books, and they did a great job at bringing the book to life. Like before, all the characters return. Even some of the Sub characters return to have a few minute scene. They only show Hogwarts in one shot, and forget about it but, all-well.

This movie had very, very good effects, a few scenes were BOOM in your face, that made me go..WOW, that is awesome. All the actors did a very good job (like before) at playing there character.

This one did offer up some new twists and turns, and answered some questions we were left with, with the previous movie. 

This movie offered up some awesome everything, if you are a fan of Harry Potter like I am, then you should rush out there and see the movie right away.

I give Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows a
For it being just a little dry, and being just part 1, the real battle is in part 2.

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