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Tuesday, January 4, 2011


My first review of 2011. Sorry it's been a shitty few days. So, Here it goes. Here is my review of Drive-Thru

Years ago, when some mean teenagers decide to pull a prank on a high-school nerd (who does believe it) goes to a restaurant to meet the girl of his dreams. Then after a horrible prank goes wrong. He gets burned to death, and comes back as Horny The Clown. Also is the mascot for the restaurant at Hella Burger. Years later Horny the Clown decides to kill all the kids of the adults who killed him many years ago.

Alright first thing is first. This movie is a huge B-rated movie. Only a couple actors i actually knew. The story was kind of bleh. The acting was wow crap. The effects were alright, but not that great.

There is allot, and i mean ALLOT of gore/blood and allot of violence and not so much sex like i thought. But overall on the gore scale. Is pretty high.

This review will not be as big as most, because If i say another thing about the movie, it will be a spoiler.

I only watched this movie, because I was in the video store with some friends, and was saying, "why is there not any like drive thru type killer movies, then my friend dragged me to the horror section, and he found it. I was like WOAH, awesome, looks like shit, but ill watch it" So that's how i found Drive-Thru.

And I must say, Givin everything I said about the movie. I give Drive-Thru
                                      7/10 Yes, Fairly high, but i loved it.

UPDATE** There is going to be a sequel. Coming out hopefully this year, I can't wait for it.
And yes, a few weeks after i rented it, I bought the movie online, and i do own the dvd..

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