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Friday, January 7, 2011


Here is my bonus review of the week, 2nd one.

Valkyrie takes place during when Hitler was in power and trying take over all of Germany. (Tom Cruise) plays Colonel Von Stauffenberg The lead protagonist in the movie, who builds his own small army of people who try to kill Hitler so many times, each time failing, but getting so much closer. 

This movie is one to own and watch many times, well not that many times, but alot. The acting was just top notch, and so many good actors in the movie. There is maybe only one or two people you won't recognize but if that it, then perfect.

The movie was so very, very detailed and just perfect in telling tell of a group of people trying to kill Hitler. Each of the actors looked almost just like the one they were portraying, which made the movie even more awesome.  

All the effects and explosions were just amazing to watch, made me think I was watching an actual documentary on what all wen't down. 

This is one to be proud of owning and adding to the "Nazi killing" type movies. So far I only have like 2? but yeah.

definitely recommend this movie to anyone who loves movies based on Real-Life stories. Sure they left out alot on what happened but they couldn't put Everything in the movie. It would be like 6 hours long if they did. So, this will do. 

I give Valkyrie 

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