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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Men Who Stare At Goats.

Here is my review of....

The Men Who Stare At Goats is based on the book of the same title. Is about. A new earth army is convinced themselves that they are "Jedi" that have powers such as, killing a goat with there mind, going through walls, and remote viewing. A curious reporter goes to Iraq to do a report on the war, but then meets a "Jedi" and after a wild ride with him, he learns he is a Jedi.

Wow. Where do I begin. This movie was very funny, alot of dry humor, and ALOT of laugh out loud humor.

Mixed with great actors doing stupidly funny things, with a pretty good story and some nice acting. Kept me interested in the movie till the credits rolled.

I watched a documentary that was in the bonus features and the actors they used looked very similar to the actual people there basing it off of.

Everything about this movie was just great. I can't think of anything that made the film boring or suck in any way. Which made the film awesome.

I just love how it was all "pretend" but they believed so much, they actually thought they were these "Jedi" which made it just funny.

I do own the book, and still have yet to read it, but I think I could read the whole book in a few hours, since it's not that big of a book.  I just hope the movie is very similar to the book.

I give Men who stare at Goats.

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