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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Mist

Here is my bonus review of the week. "The Mist".

A massive dangerous storm passes through a small town, after a ton of damage, the lead, "David" goes with his son and his neighbor to the local store to get supplies, after a strange "mist" rolls into town, The sirens go off, which upsets the locals, A man comes running to the store all bloody screaming theres "things" in the mist. After discovering that monsters are in the mist. They decided to camp out and survive in a grocery store.

This film is pretty fucking amazing. The acting is the best i've seen in sometime.

The effects are quite good, since they had a smaller budget. The monsters they made were quite creepy, To me, The Spider monsters were the creepiest.

I loved how the people were doing very stupid things in a very bizarre time. These people were willing to DO anything if it's what they thought was right, which was very much wrong.

The movie was a little slow at first. But once the guys get the store, the movie just picks up and goes from there. The ending of the movie is definitely the worst way it could end. Well, more sad than anything. I was just very shocked it ended that way.

Being based a Stephen King Book, I thought I would have to check it out. I love his book, and most of the movies are pretty good to. I am actually watching Kingdom Hospital right now. Will take some time to finish, but it's not bad.

My final score for The Mist is

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