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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Trailer Park Boys: Countdown To Liquor Day

I must admit, i am a huge fan of the series. I actually just got done watching the last season last week, yes i have the whole boxset! Im just so happy that everybody returned expect a couple, but thats all.

In this movie we find Juilen,Bubbles,Ricky getting out of jail, so the second they do, they rob a store, then someone gets the bright idea to rob a bank at the end, followed by an awesome chase scene, a big gun fight, kitties running free. And of course Mr. Layhe. Even Cyrus is pissed at layhe and decides to get him aswell.

I just love how intense the awesome the ending was, this was made in the same fashion as the TV show, which is perfect. I don't think this movie could have gotten any better.

This is just a little quickey review i didnt plan of going all out for it. But just to sum it up

I give this movie a solid 9/10 for being even better than the TV series, but nothing can replace Trailer Park Boys.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Shrek Forever After

Well, here it is, the final chapter in the Shrek Saga. We all knew it would come to an end, but when? i guess the time was this year.

In this movie we find Shrek kind of fed up with how his life turned out to be, he then finds a creepy little man named Rumpelstiltskin who grants him a new life on how he wants it, after a quick signature, shreks life turns into a new universe, where now the orgre's have come together to make an army, lead by Fiona, Donkey is a now a driver, and Puss in Boots gained a lot of weight.

After shrek realizes he mistake he tries to find Rumpelstiltskin  and reverse it.

This movie kinda felt short, with a run-time of only 90mins. It felt not like a sequel but more of a bridge from the 3rd to 4th to end, which isnt bad, but there could have been more comedy, and action like the other three had, i could tell they almost rushed a little and lacked in a few places.

But since this is shrek it was bound to be funny, since i have loved the Shrek movies since the 1st one, and none of them seem to disappoint. The 4th just lacked a little, but not so much that i wouldn't recommend it, you just have to like Shrek to like the movies.

I'm just the happy the cast came back to reprise the role, and the music was pretty good, gave off a good shrek feel to it.

Before Shrek 4 came out, i heard there was going to be a Shrek 5 as-well, but now the company has tossed the 5th movie, and just kept it the 4th, i want to know why. They could have easily make a 5th one to end or continue the series. We will just never know.

I give Shrek Forever after a nice 7/10 funny/music and story was all pretty good.

Review coming soon _-Robin Hood-_

Halloween 2

Yes, it's remake/sequel time. I'm talking about Halloween 2 no not the 80's version the 2009 version, which i must say was not the greatest sequel ever but at least the different kind of killings are good.

Halloween 2 takes place right after the events of the first movie, leaving the sister shaken and torn that she just supposesdly killed Micheal Myers, But she didnt. Plot: hmmm well again we find Micheal on the search for his sister to either kill her or no, but most likely kill her, as Micheal is on the hunt, the sister is going to major mental problems and is driving her self insane from all the stress of the first movie.

The movie ended really different, not at all how i thought it would end, but i guess it worked. Unfortunately i saw about 4 different horror movies inside of this movie, only with a different killers. Like Micheal's mom telling him what to do, i saw that in Friday the 13th, there's a scene that came straight from the movie Scream. 

I didnt really like the story that much, much of the actors were B list actors that kinda went away. The script was very lame, they could have had a much better re-wright but didn't, all-well to late now.

At least with this movie the killing scenes were different than your standard hack N slash film. The kill shots were more disturbing than anything.

I guess you are a die hard Halloween fan, ( I liked the 1st film to me it was ok ) than i say go ahead and get this movie, to me its just a rent or wait for tv.

My final score for Halloween 2 is 6/10 generic/kinda lame, and weird twist at the end of the movie that didn't really fit the movie.

Next Review Shrek 4

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are

Hello all, i didn't think i would put this review up so fast, but i am kinda rushing and bored to.

This movie is about a little kid that is like Bi-Polar with Anger Problems and is very very delusional. He is very very lonely and has no friends and often talks to the fence as if it were a group of people. He then later on gets into a fight with his mom, then runs off to who no where, gets on a boat and sets sail to an island that is quite large, only then to find strange creatures who are also very depressed and think the boy is there king and hope's he will save them and give them love.

Each of the creatures have different personalities much like people. But all are very much sad and lonely even though they have each other. Then the kid tells them to make a massive fort to protect them of all sorts of stuff, and then they get kinda suspicious of him and say he's no king, and after all that, they wish him good luck and he gets back on his boat and goes home, yes I'm purposely missing a lot in the middle.

Anyways, this movie is a lot  darker than i thought it would be. It was very much a depressing movie. But i guess if the kids like it then, they did there job.

The CGI in the movie was pretty impressive for a few moments i thought i was looking at a very large puppet or stuffed animal. I don't think the book was that depressing like the movie, but i don't remember the book that well either, as i was like 2 when my parents read it to me.

All in all this movie wasn't bad, but it could have been a little more up-beat and funny, i know the dirt war thing they played was pretty funny, but that was about it.

I give this movie a 6/10 could have been more up-beat..

Review coming soon -_Halloween 2_-

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Paranormal Activity

I have to say that this movie is one of the best scary movie ive seen in years and years. And i loved every minute of this movie.

This movie is about a couple that learns that there house or a certain someone is haunted with a past.  After the boyfriend buys a video camera, they learn the house is slowly becoming more haunted and fucked up in every way day by day.

The ending of this movie was pretty WOW, one of those endings you wouldnt really expect. Pretty dramatic and awesomely scary.

This movie does have some in your face scary moments but it's not one big boom horror. To me its more of a Mental Horror film, or a movie that slowly gets to you and makes you almost crazy. Well that's what my friends said, hehe.

The movie is a big budget film with only 15,000 budget but the film is not one to miss, with its scary sounds and shadows, just brings up some bad memories i had once buried and now surfaced. 

Yes for about a year i lived in a haunted house, i heard voices and saw many shadows, and always felt like i was being watched or had someone right behind me. Sadly its still like that.

Anyways my final score for this movie is a nice 9/10 There could have been more of a script and more ahhh shots, But not bad of a horror movie. The best one ive seen in decades!!

Review coming soon -_Where the Wild Things Are_-


And finally the new review ive said i would put up for almost a week, well here it is.

Push is about a whole bunch of people weather it be 1st generation or 2nd generation or maybe even 3rd generation of people that have powers or gifts or what ever you want to call them. The are being hunted and killed or tested on. All started during WWII when they took people with gifts and put them to work, and shit happens and you get this movie.

Movie revolves around a 2nd generation Mover, that has telekinetic powers that has fled to Tokyo and has been in hiding for years, until now. He soon gets greeted by "Division" a top secret group that started this program and is trying to capture all these people. After he has a little talk with them he then meets a girl, who then tells him what he has to do and they go from there.

Basically going to the bad guy, killing him to get this, trading this for that, and using there powers to get there way.
There are so many people that have weird powers, here they are as best of memory. Movers have telekinetic powers. Watchers can see the future. Pushers can put memories that aren't real in you head to make you think there are but aren't. Bleeders can send out high pitch screams that burst blood vessels so they can kill you.  And so on and so on, they did show you all of the different types there are but they didnt really tell you the proper name.

The Effects in the movie where kinda cheap but not bad. Acting could have been a little better but eh wasnt that bad. I just wished they had someone better than Dakota Fanning to me she is an over actor and can be replaced really easily.

This movie did leave it self kinda open for not one but two sequels. I could see them making a part 2 to continue the story, and a prequel to show nothing but back story and go into more details about the ability's. 

This movie wasnt that bad, with a few more action screens and more back-story it could have been even better. But for what it is, its not that bad of a sci-fi action movie.

My final score for Push is 7/10 scrip could have been better and more action scenes isnt a bad thing.

Review coming soon -_Paranormal Activity_-

Friday, May 21, 2010


Whats this, the other bonus review, yep here it is.

Daybreakers is about an outburst of Vampirism ( yet they never really told how or where the disease came from ) and the human population is less than 5% making the whole world a Vampire world. There's a Vampire Army that captures the remaining humans. Vampire Cops that keep the peace by doing what regular human cops would do, but more worse.

Then we meet Edward Dalton ( Ethan Hawke ) a Scientist that is trying to make a blood substitute so that vampires wont starve to death. Yes he is vampire to. And he also wont drink human blood.

Later on he meets a hand full of human refugees that need his help, so he agrees to help him, and along the way he also discovers a way to reverse the Vampire disease and become Human again. Well i think i said to much, hehe.

This movie does take a lot old school vampire traits but in a somewhat good way, mixed with humor and blood and guts to keep a gore fan occupied, but this movie did lack a certain awesome vampire thing about this movie.

Anyways This movie was worth watching if your a Vampire lover, and just like a new twist on a very old story. The effects were alright. The Story was kinda predictible but there was one pretty big twist in the middle and end that made me go "awesome".

If your in the mood for a vampire movie that doesn't exactly suck with some good acting then rent this movie, it may not be a Buy but at least a rent.

My final score for this movie is 7/10 dorky/cheesy/bloody/ is what i liked but it wasn't my favorite.

Review Coming soon -_Push_-

Leap Year

A Bonus Review? I guess that is what it is, i didnt plan on reviewing this movie. But what the hell might as well, Push will be out this weekend. This is One of Two bonus reviews!..

Anyways Leap Year is a about a girl that has Irish background and decides to surpirse her soon to be husband in Ireland and propose to him.  Yes not him proposing to her but the other way around all well.

Once she gets to Ireland she ends up getting the worst luck anyone could ever get. People tell her its bad luck to pretty much do anything any day of the week, she doesn't believe it, but happens to actually give her to worst luck.

All of the funny parts from the trailers where within the first 30minutes and the last 1 and 20minutes was like a downhill bad luck parts. But it did keep my attention.

This movie may not be for most people, but if your a fan of the actors in the movie and need a good short laugh then id say at least rent this movie.

For what its worth i give it a 5.5/10 not bad but kinda predictable in most parts.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mutant Chronicles

Well first off, this movie is a SyFy movie so you can expect some crapping acting low budget effects, and a not so good story.

Every is true, this movie does have some good actors, but there only good if there in a good movie, and this is not that great of a movie.

Its about a war between to companies that bomb a seal that kept mutants locked up, the seal got broken and now there lose, now its up to a few special people that will in the end destroy the place where they are.

I dont want to go into much detail other than i give this movie a 4/10 the effects are kinda crappy, acting sucked, story was to predictable, and well overall its just not a good movie. I found it at a store for only 9$ so i figured it cant be that bad, wrong.

Review coming soon -_Push_-

Friday, May 14, 2010


The movie Sidekick is about a lonely comic book nerd (Norman) who works at some bogus company as there software tech person.  One day Norman see something that catch's his eye, and sets out to talk to Victor about his special gift. Normal wants to help him and make him a Superhero, but things turn south.

Thats the jist of the movie. I found this movie at a video store for only 3bucks so i figured it cant be that bad right? YES this movie was really fun to watch ( having nothing to do with DC or Marvel or NY ). This movie is lower budget than most but the acting and special effects were actually pretty good.

There's a few twists and turns that kept me interested and well in awe when the credits rolled.

This movie is most likely harder to find ( maybe amazon ) but if you do happen to find it and love comic and are looking for something different than your average superhero movie, than you must get this movie.

This movie is entirely filmed in Canada and 100% Canadian film, but so is Trailer Park Boys and i love that show. The lead actor who played Normal is a newbie actor but does the part so good, that you might not notice that he's a novice.

This is an underrated film in the USA, and if they were to rerelease it than i think more people would love this movie.

My Final score for the movie is a 8/10 for being totally unique and just plain awesome.

And no i couldnt find any screen shots to add, but i did find a poster.

Next Review -_Mutant Chronicles_-

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Whats that I hear? Another remake of a classic horror movie. Yes i know it's getting pretty redundant. But I have noticed that there all getting better and better with each year. So no you wont be disappointed with this new take on a awesome classic. 

There is absolutely nothing i like more than a Slasher film that kills teens. First Friday the 13th, now there Nightmare on Elm Street. 
This remake is a nice new take by, giving a new story, new faces, and a awesome actor that now is the new face of Freddy.
What i love about this movie is its a lot more darker and more serious than the original, and most of all the actors in the movie are actually recognizable, and thats a good thing. 

Jackie Earle Haley Plays Freddy Kruger. Now he does sound alot like his other character Rorschach but more devilish. 

Every kill scene in this movie is totally worth watching, more unique and fun to watch. The acting his tolerable and dialog is kinda cheesy but ok. 

If your in the mood to watch a killer movie where they kill teens for 90 minutes then this movie is for you. I only watched this movie cause i like the 1st one and this was a great remake. 

My final Score for Nightmare on Elm Street is a 6/10 it's watchable but it could have been better, it did really feel like they were kinda rushing through but all well. 

Next Review -_Sidekick_-


Thursday, May 13, 2010


If your looking for one of the best adult drama movies in many years, then this movie is for you.

Story is about an Solider coming back from Afghanistan to learn about all the lies that happened while he was gone.

This movie has an all-star cast. Includes Jake Gyllenhaal as Tommy, Tobey Maguire as Sam ( the broken Solider ) and least but not last Natalie Portman as Grace ( Sam's Wife ).

This movie was very very dramatic with a very strong story with a nice big twist in the center of it all, to keep you wanting more.

This movie is a remake of the  2004 Danish film Brothers. Which are both very similar but 2009 version takes place in USA, and the 2004 version takes place in Sweden. 

If you have a chance to see the 2004 version i would just to compare the two and yeah.  

Brothers 2004 link here

Next movie review -_Nightmare on Elm Street_-

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Wrestler

Amazing this movie is. This movie has everything, action/romance/tons of drama/and some very slight humor.

Story is about a 80's - today wrestler that only still wants to be a wrestler but age is wearing on him and after a series of events, he gets closer with family.

I was very skeptical about this movie, because i'm not a wrestle fan, but this movie is almost like a documentary than movie.

The acting is very good, i can see why Mickey Rourke won a Golden Globe for the role. All of the characters did there part so well that it didn't feel boring or lame at all. 

You don't have to be a wrestling fan to love this movie ( im not ) but give this movie a go, if you hate it fine, but odds are you are going to love this movie.

My final score for -_The Wrestler_- is 9/10 for awesome acting and a great story that kept me hooked.

Next Review -_Brothers_-


Hello everyone, If you like people ( normal people ) that dress up and go out of there way to protect the innocent and bring down the corrupt then this movie is for you.

Defendor is about a normal guy ( that is a little slow upstairs ) that puts on a costume and fights crime all in the name of justice.

You may have seen the trailers that made this movie look like a comedy but it is in fact quite the opposite. It's a very sad and depressing movie. But you will love this movie, and say it's the best super-hero movie there is.

The acting is superb, the story is very well done. And for once a super-hero movie doesn't take place in New York or California. Woody Harrelson is in one of the best movie's of all time.

I did not get a chance to see this in theaters as if was in very limited release, but once it came out on DVD i quickly bought it.  All i can say is this movie will make you get very teary.

There was some funny parts in it, but this movie is very dark. Wow 3:AM and im doing this...I'm tired. haha.

My final Rating for -_Defendor_- is a perfect 9/10 for its grittiness/and very dark super-hero movie. So please if you have the time watch this movie, it will move you.

Next Movie Review is -_Brothers_-

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Iron Man 2

WOW, that the was the first word i said when the credits rolled. This movie is explosive, fun, sad, and fucking awesome. I mean come on how can you not like Iron Man

This movie was everything i hoped for times 100000000000000. I mean everything was awesome, the CGI in the movie was awesome, and story was kick ass, the actors especially Mickey Rourke's take on Whiplash was awesome.

When i was watching it i felt like a little kid seeing new for the first time. This movie was 100times more explosive than the 1st and in some ways better.

I loved all the battle scenes, And i loved Tonys new Mark 5 or 6. This movie kept me going wow and HOLY SHIT

I was looking forward to this movie for awhile, and now its out, so you have to see this movie you will not be disappointed at all!!

My final rating for Iron Man 2 is a solid 8/10 ( slightly different than the book which hurt the score by a little )

Next movie -_Defendor_- I did not get a chance to see this in the big screen but i have it on dvd!

Now playing: Disturbed - Deceiver
via FoxyTunes

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Losers

Hey sup everyone, Two hours ago i came back from The Losers, and i must say it was very explosive, intelligent, funny, and very awesome. The acting is pretty good and the script was well done.

This movie had two major plot twists that kept me going "what the fuck" bet they didn't see they coming, well maybe three.

This movie is based on the graphic novel of the same name, I've only read the first few comics, and the comic is the same, so the movie people did a good job at keeping it the same as the comic.

There will be a sequel but i dont know if it was announced, the director was on G4TV's AOTS and said so himself. So now i cant for it coming out.

This movie is a must see for fun explosive movies!

My Final Rating 8/10

Next Review Iron-Man 2

Now playing: KoRn - Ever Be
via FoxyTunes

Upcoming Movie Reviews

Hey everybody this post is only telling you the upcoming movie reviews so far...

The Losers- Theater- SEE POST
Iron-Man 2- Theater- SEE POST
Sherk Goes Fourth- Theater
Halloween 2- DVD yes i never saw it
Where the Wild Things Are
Mutant Chronicles- DVD
Triple Horror Night- Orphan/One Missed Call/The Unborn/- All the USA ones
The Crazies- Theater/ I have seen it, but didnt a review yet

And all of these will be by the end of the month, hopefully a few a week. Till Then

Now playing: KoRn - Kiss
via FoxyTunes