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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Paranormal Activity

I have to say that this movie is one of the best scary movie ive seen in years and years. And i loved every minute of this movie.

This movie is about a couple that learns that there house or a certain someone is haunted with a past.  After the boyfriend buys a video camera, they learn the house is slowly becoming more haunted and fucked up in every way day by day.

The ending of this movie was pretty WOW, one of those endings you wouldnt really expect. Pretty dramatic and awesomely scary.

This movie does have some in your face scary moments but it's not one big boom horror. To me its more of a Mental Horror film, or a movie that slowly gets to you and makes you almost crazy. Well that's what my friends said, hehe.

The movie is a big budget film with only 15,000 budget but the film is not one to miss, with its scary sounds and shadows, just brings up some bad memories i had once buried and now surfaced. 

Yes for about a year i lived in a haunted house, i heard voices and saw many shadows, and always felt like i was being watched or had someone right behind me. Sadly its still like that.

Anyways my final score for this movie is a nice 9/10 There could have been more of a script and more ahhh shots, But not bad of a horror movie. The best one ive seen in decades!!

Review coming soon -_Where the Wild Things Are_-

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