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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are

Hello all, i didn't think i would put this review up so fast, but i am kinda rushing and bored to.

This movie is about a little kid that is like Bi-Polar with Anger Problems and is very very delusional. He is very very lonely and has no friends and often talks to the fence as if it were a group of people. He then later on gets into a fight with his mom, then runs off to who no where, gets on a boat and sets sail to an island that is quite large, only then to find strange creatures who are also very depressed and think the boy is there king and hope's he will save them and give them love.

Each of the creatures have different personalities much like people. But all are very much sad and lonely even though they have each other. Then the kid tells them to make a massive fort to protect them of all sorts of stuff, and then they get kinda suspicious of him and say he's no king, and after all that, they wish him good luck and he gets back on his boat and goes home, yes I'm purposely missing a lot in the middle.

Anyways, this movie is a lot  darker than i thought it would be. It was very much a depressing movie. But i guess if the kids like it then, they did there job.

The CGI in the movie was pretty impressive for a few moments i thought i was looking at a very large puppet or stuffed animal. I don't think the book was that depressing like the movie, but i don't remember the book that well either, as i was like 2 when my parents read it to me.

All in all this movie wasn't bad, but it could have been a little more up-beat and funny, i know the dirt war thing they played was pretty funny, but that was about it.

I give this movie a 6/10 could have been more up-beat..

Review coming soon -_Halloween 2_-

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