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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Trailer Park Boys: Countdown To Liquor Day

I must admit, i am a huge fan of the series. I actually just got done watching the last season last week, yes i have the whole boxset! Im just so happy that everybody returned expect a couple, but thats all.

In this movie we find Juilen,Bubbles,Ricky getting out of jail, so the second they do, they rob a store, then someone gets the bright idea to rob a bank at the end, followed by an awesome chase scene, a big gun fight, kitties running free. And of course Mr. Layhe. Even Cyrus is pissed at layhe and decides to get him aswell.

I just love how intense the awesome the ending was, this was made in the same fashion as the TV show, which is perfect. I don't think this movie could have gotten any better.

This is just a little quickey review i didnt plan of going all out for it. But just to sum it up

I give this movie a solid 9/10 for being even better than the TV series, but nothing can replace Trailer Park Boys.

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