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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Iron Man 2

WOW, that the was the first word i said when the credits rolled. This movie is explosive, fun, sad, and fucking awesome. I mean come on how can you not like Iron Man

This movie was everything i hoped for times 100000000000000. I mean everything was awesome, the CGI in the movie was awesome, and story was kick ass, the actors especially Mickey Rourke's take on Whiplash was awesome.

When i was watching it i felt like a little kid seeing new for the first time. This movie was 100times more explosive than the 1st and in some ways better.

I loved all the battle scenes, And i loved Tonys new Mark 5 or 6. This movie kept me going wow and HOLY SHIT

I was looking forward to this movie for awhile, and now its out, so you have to see this movie you will not be disappointed at all!!

My final rating for Iron Man 2 is a solid 8/10 ( slightly different than the book which hurt the score by a little )

Next movie -_Defendor_- I did not get a chance to see this in the big screen but i have it on dvd!

Now playing: Disturbed - Deceiver
via FoxyTunes

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