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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Halloween 2

Yes, it's remake/sequel time. I'm talking about Halloween 2 no not the 80's version the 2009 version, which i must say was not the greatest sequel ever but at least the different kind of killings are good.

Halloween 2 takes place right after the events of the first movie, leaving the sister shaken and torn that she just supposesdly killed Micheal Myers, But she didnt. Plot: hmmm well again we find Micheal on the search for his sister to either kill her or no, but most likely kill her, as Micheal is on the hunt, the sister is going to major mental problems and is driving her self insane from all the stress of the first movie.

The movie ended really different, not at all how i thought it would end, but i guess it worked. Unfortunately i saw about 4 different horror movies inside of this movie, only with a different killers. Like Micheal's mom telling him what to do, i saw that in Friday the 13th, there's a scene that came straight from the movie Scream. 

I didnt really like the story that much, much of the actors were B list actors that kinda went away. The script was very lame, they could have had a much better re-wright but didn't, all-well to late now.

At least with this movie the killing scenes were different than your standard hack N slash film. The kill shots were more disturbing than anything.

I guess you are a die hard Halloween fan, ( I liked the 1st film to me it was ok ) than i say go ahead and get this movie, to me its just a rent or wait for tv.

My final score for Halloween 2 is 6/10 generic/kinda lame, and weird twist at the end of the movie that didn't really fit the movie.

Next Review Shrek 4

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