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Saturday, May 22, 2010


And finally the new review ive said i would put up for almost a week, well here it is.

Push is about a whole bunch of people weather it be 1st generation or 2nd generation or maybe even 3rd generation of people that have powers or gifts or what ever you want to call them. The are being hunted and killed or tested on. All started during WWII when they took people with gifts and put them to work, and shit happens and you get this movie.

Movie revolves around a 2nd generation Mover, that has telekinetic powers that has fled to Tokyo and has been in hiding for years, until now. He soon gets greeted by "Division" a top secret group that started this program and is trying to capture all these people. After he has a little talk with them he then meets a girl, who then tells him what he has to do and they go from there.

Basically going to the bad guy, killing him to get this, trading this for that, and using there powers to get there way.
There are so many people that have weird powers, here they are as best of memory. Movers have telekinetic powers. Watchers can see the future. Pushers can put memories that aren't real in you head to make you think there are but aren't. Bleeders can send out high pitch screams that burst blood vessels so they can kill you.  And so on and so on, they did show you all of the different types there are but they didnt really tell you the proper name.

The Effects in the movie where kinda cheap but not bad. Acting could have been a little better but eh wasnt that bad. I just wished they had someone better than Dakota Fanning to me she is an over actor and can be replaced really easily.

This movie did leave it self kinda open for not one but two sequels. I could see them making a part 2 to continue the story, and a prequel to show nothing but back story and go into more details about the ability's. 

This movie wasnt that bad, with a few more action screens and more back-story it could have been even better. But for what it is, its not that bad of a sci-fi action movie.

My final score for Push is 7/10 scrip could have been better and more action scenes isnt a bad thing.

Review coming soon -_Paranormal Activity_-

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