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Friday, May 21, 2010


Whats this, the other bonus review, yep here it is.

Daybreakers is about an outburst of Vampirism ( yet they never really told how or where the disease came from ) and the human population is less than 5% making the whole world a Vampire world. There's a Vampire Army that captures the remaining humans. Vampire Cops that keep the peace by doing what regular human cops would do, but more worse.

Then we meet Edward Dalton ( Ethan Hawke ) a Scientist that is trying to make a blood substitute so that vampires wont starve to death. Yes he is vampire to. And he also wont drink human blood.

Later on he meets a hand full of human refugees that need his help, so he agrees to help him, and along the way he also discovers a way to reverse the Vampire disease and become Human again. Well i think i said to much, hehe.

This movie does take a lot old school vampire traits but in a somewhat good way, mixed with humor and blood and guts to keep a gore fan occupied, but this movie did lack a certain awesome vampire thing about this movie.

Anyways This movie was worth watching if your a Vampire lover, and just like a new twist on a very old story. The effects were alright. The Story was kinda predictible but there was one pretty big twist in the middle and end that made me go "awesome".

If your in the mood for a vampire movie that doesn't exactly suck with some good acting then rent this movie, it may not be a Buy but at least a rent.

My final score for this movie is 7/10 dorky/cheesy/bloody/ is what i liked but it wasn't my favorite.

Review Coming soon -_Push_-

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