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Friday, May 31, 2013

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

After hesitantly accepting an adventure to aid the dwarfs to the Lonely Mountain, but they get side tracked as a few horses nearly become lunch for a few trolls, Bilbo sets out to cut the horses free, but then becomes lunch for the trolls. After that Bilbo, Gandalf, and the dwarfs set fourth on there journey, but then their on the run from Orcs who have been trailing them. They soon find a cave with left over Elf weapons which they gladly pick up. Soon they find the land of Rivendell from there, Lord Elrond helps them read the map. Again, they set onward to their journey only to get caught in between a falling rocks, only to find that there is a stone giant fight, and they have to not get squashed. When Gandalf stays behind, the gang heads to the Misty Mountains, where they get ambushed, Biblo falls into a cave, where he meets Gollum, where he find the Ring, and takes it. Once everyone finally leaves the Misty Mountains, the Orcs are back, and set out to kill them off, they are outnumbered, so they climb up the tree's and Gandalf sets out for help.

So much happened in this film, that I almost didn't decide to give a plot. I am surprised that they're making 3 films out of just one book, but that means that much of the book will be in the films, making it even more accurate.

Acting was at it's best! So many good actors playing Dwarfs, as well as original members coming back as well! Was nice seeing the original Bilbo (from the LOTR films) back with Frodo even. Film starts at the beginning of Fellowship of the Ring, without using stock footage, they re-shot it entirely!

Soundtrack was also just amazing, offering very epic music throughout the film. I almost thought they were going to use old music from the first 3 films, but they made entirely new and epic music!

I did see this in theatre the week of, and thought I already reviewed it, but found I didn't, so finally I do the review.

I just loved that so much of say, the first 6 chapters of the book was in this, they didn't take out so much, leaving in nearly everything. While reading the book I was thinking, they could cut this out for the film to save time, only to find that, that one scene was in it, which made me laugh.

This is just the start of a very epic trilogy of an already epic trilogy, I really can't wait for parts 2 and 3.

I give, The Hobbit, a 9/10

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Dictator

After going to the US to Visit the UN headquarters General Haffaz Aladeen gets kidnapped by a body guard paid to kill him, but once that plan fails, only able to cut off his beard which sent him into hiding. A body double of Aladeen is taking his place, which is also going to sign a contract which will make the country a Democracy Country. Aladeen then meets up with Zoey, a feminist who runs an organic store that also as rights to visit the UN. Aladeen decides to use her to gain access to the hotel that the Body Double is staying at, kill him and reclaim his title and figure out who cast him while try to also rip up the contract. 

Film wasn't actually all that bad, with actors you'll actually recognize.

Story was pretty much predictable, offering no real big twist or anything new. Although a good chunk of the actors were good. Obviously Sacha Baron Cohen character would be the most outrageous person in the film, but a lot of one liners he said were just great.

Was a pretty plain movie, offering really nothing, but humor, a lot of crude, over the top humor. But was funny enough to keep my attention to see how it would end, even though as soon as his beard was shaved, you'd already know how, oh-well.

I give, The Dictator, 6/10

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Evil Dead (2013)

Mia, David, Eric, Olivia and Natalie decide to go to a remote cabin in the hope of helping Mia stop with her addiction. When David finds an old book covered in barbed wire, he unwraps it and decides to read it. When Mia starts having withdrawals, she wanders off into the woods and gets attacked by the forest, only to come back to the cabin to find that the "Evil" has been unleashed after David read the book. Slowly Mia becomes more and more possessed, and the others assume she's going crazy. Not long after Olivia herself becomes possessed after a fight if Mia, then it's up to David, Eric and Natalie to try and fight them and try and escape the cabin before they all get killed.

Sometimes movies just shouldn't of been remade. I mean it wasn't a horrible film, but it is now just a mainstream horror film, offering very little thrills.

Acting was decent, and I found the actor who played "David" was (to me) the worst actor in the film. But the rest of the cast was fine. When they started becoming possessed by the "Evil" it was pretty exciting, offering a lot of violence and gore, but lack of story made it weak.

I won't compare this film to the original as you almost can't, they did have a lot of homage to the original film, quite a bit actually, but it was just bits here and there. When it did pick up it was entertaining (the last 30mins of the film).

But the action and gore was enough to keep my attention and wonder how it was going to end, although the story was weak, it wasn't all that bad.

I give, Evil Dead, 5/10

Oz: The Great and Powerful

Oscar Diggs is a traveling magician who ends up running from an angry mob after being proved a fraud. Once he escapes in a hot air balloon a tornado suddenly appears and sucks him in and sends him to Oz. After meeting Theodora who she believes he is the Magical one who will save Oz from the Wicked Witch, she leads him to the Emerald City. From there he meets Theodora's sister, Evanora who convinces him to set out and kill the Wicked Witch, after agreeing to do it, he sets out with his flying monkey to track down and instead of killing her, just steal or break her wand and she'll be powerless. But he was fooled as the "Wicked Witch" was actually Glinda, he befriends her and tries to figure out who the bad witch is. Once the two find out who the Wicked Witch is, a new threat emerges as a new Wicked Witch is formed and opposes Oz. Oz must then find a way to scare off both of the Witch's and save The Kingdom of Oz.

What a great prequel. I never did think they would make one as, it seemed like the story was already told, but, they made it just right.

Acting was quite good, with a good list of actors/actress. James Franco plays Oz, and he did it pretty good. Rachel Weisz plays Evanora she was really good at playing a two sided character. Mila Kunis plays Theodora, quite the good witch till her unfortunate taste of an apple. Just has a good cast of actors.

Story was fantastic, taking place 20 years before the events of the first film (The Wizard of Oz). Does make me wonder if they're planning of remaking the original film, or leave it as it is, as just make a sequel to the current film, or a sequel to the original film, who knows.

Half the film, if not virtually all of it was done in CGI, it almost looked completely animated, if it weren't for the live action acting, it would of looked like an animated film. But the CGI was done pretty good, not looking to cartoony which was good.

I give, Oz: The Great and Powerful a 7/10

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Dark Knight Rises

Taking place 8 years after the death of Harvey Dent, Bruce Wayne/Batman has not been seen nor heard of and everyone thinks Batman now is just a myth. When a new threat comes to Gotham, Batman must step up one last time to track down the criminal known as, Bane. Just when Batman does get closer to him and betrayed by Catwoman, he gets trapped and in a fist fight with Bane, ultimately landing him in a deep hole for a prison. Few months go by while Bruce Wayne tries to build up more muscle and try and break free from the prison while Bane took control of the city and set free the prison inmates. When the bomb is almost set to go off, Bruce escapes just in time to be Batman one last time to face against his biggest threat ever, in an ultimate showdown between Cops vs Criminals and Batman vs Bane.

Yes I didn't say everything as I hate spoilers. I did mean to review this film the week of it's release, but just kept pushing it off, but I did see it opening weekend, so better late than never.

I was completely impressed with this film, offering the most exciting Batman film to date! The action was just amazing, the story couldn't of been better and the old cast returns which is great.

Loved the soundtrack, same dark tone as the first two films but with more oomph. Did notice there was more special effects in this one than the previous two combined, but made it feel realistic and amazing.

Acting was also perfect, Anne Hathaway as Catwoman was just great, although I was hoping that her suit would be more like a cat like in the 1992 film (Batman Returns) but, they gave her more unique look, looking great as well. Tom Hardy as Bane was also amazing, a lot better than the previous 1997 film (Batman and Robin) that version did look more like the comic, but...retarded. This new version greatly surpasses that version and makes it feel more real.

I loved that they even introduced "Robin" although just as a cop, but still in the city. The ending of "TDKR" noticed a lot of "what if" and a massive giveaway into a possible new film. One is, did Bane actually die? Did Batman actually die? The deaths of these main characters weren't answered so it lets your mind wander.

This is (to me) the most exciting Batman film to date and darkest.

                                             I give, The Dark Knight Rises a 9/10
TDKR wikipedia link
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Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Exorcist

Review based on the "Version You've Never Seen".

Regan is just your average 12 year old girl, until her mother finds out that she's been playing with a ouija board. Soon after Christine (mother) hears what she thinks is rats in the attic, only to find that there are no rats. When Regan goes to a hospital to get checked up on after saying her bed started shaking, Regan begins to slowly become more possessed by the demon, Pazuzu. After she starts become more violent and change, they call in therapists who are determined to think its a "Crossed Wire" in the brain, only to find nothing. They soon discuss to the mother that she could be possessed and to seek a priest. When Father Karras comes to their home to talk with the girl, he is also convinced that she is just crazy. Not long after, Regan says stuff about this mother, which only convinces that she's possessed. Karras then seeks more help by the Church who assigns Father Merrin to assist Karras in exorcising the demon out of the girl, in the ultimate battle between good and evil.

Must say, it was a fantastic horror film. Last time I saw the film was probably ten years ago on TV. Thought it was time I see the extended version of the best horror film, I've ever seen.

Acting was truly amazing, everyone did a great job at playing their part. I can see why Linda Blair won a Golden Globe for her role. Both roles of the Priests were perfect for this film, Merrin was amazing.

Soundtrack was well, creepy. The slow pace piano throughout the film just made it that much more creepy. Voice work for the Demon was also pretty good, really making it more creepy.

There was a good chunk of special effects, not so much CGI, but more old school style that no one really does anymore. The "Spiderwalk" scene was just creepy seeing, as it just appeared when it's a quiet scene.

There is 2 sequels that I'll review as well. Plus there is 2 prequels (that I did watch) but won't review as, the first prequel (Exorcist: The Beginning) was latter stripped and remade into (Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist) Both the same film, but both different.

This was truly a fantastic film, that no matter how many times you see it, it just won't get old.

I give, The Exorcist 9/10

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hangover Part III

In Bangkok Chow escapes prison, and fleas to Mexico. The "Wolfpack" gang is on their way to sending Alan to a clinic to give him help but thugs derail their van and drive them off the road and kidnap them. Marshall (Black Doug's boss) tell them that they need to find Chow or Doug (their Doug) will be killed. The gang is now off to find Chow and with any luck find the gold that Chow stole from Marshall.

The film was entertaining, and the tone was set much like the first film, while not as raunchy and dirty like the 2nd film, but still able to deliver laughs.

Film takes place 2 years after the 2nd film, opening in Bangkok where the 2nd film ended. Everyone from previous cast returns even members from the first film, with the addition of John Goodman who plays the villain later revealed as "Marshall" from the first film but only mention.

Story was pretty good, although tame compared to previous film, acting was about the same and with a familiar setting, Vegas! It was nice seeing them return to Vegas and into some pretty outrageous stunts, even returning back to Caesars Palace.

It is nice that the film series is ending with a 3rd and final film, as I just couldn't see it going on the a 4rth or onward. It did end with a recap of previous films (much like that of Iron-Man 3) showing that, it's over. But it ended good, the end scene was pretty outrageous and just wow.

I give Hangover Part III 6/10

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness

The Enterprise and crew were sent to the planet of Nibiru to safe it's inhabitants from a volcano from killing the species. After saving them, Kirk gets demoted as he made themselves seen. While Kirk is out, The Enterprise brought to a school, and his crew doing other missions, the Star Fleet in London gets blown up, with multiple deaths, and Kirk see's who did it. Kirk is then given back the Enterprise and his crew to fly to Kronos to try and capture the criminal, John Harrison. After a nice battle with the Klingon's John willingly surrenders. After being a prisoner of The Enterprise, the crew learns of a new threat that may be behind their ship being destroyed. Now it's up to the Crew, more specifically Kirk, Spock, and a few others to chase down John and stop the other enemy.

So much stuff happened in this film, that it was hard to say much as I don't like revealing spoilers.

Story was very good, virtually every ten minutes was a new twist and turn to really keep my attention. Special Effects were good as well, about the same as the previous film, just now more in space.

Acting was great! Same cast returns to the sequel as well as new actors to help sell the movie more. I did like that even the original Spock made a very small appearance too. 

I only saw this film in 2D as, it didn't seem to be a need to see it in 3D as they only converted the film in 3D rather than film it completely in 3D. I really do hope that they all come back to make this a trilogy, a third film would be greatly accepted!

Star Trek Into Darkness was a nice sequel with enough action on screen to keep you glued, as well a very epic space battle!

I give, Star Trek Into Darkness, 8/10

Monday, May 6, 2013

Iron Man 3

And one of the films I've been waiting to see I finally saw and it was epic.

Tony Stark has been quite busy since the events of New York, and has built many more Iron Man suits, ranging from uses. This time Tony has inserted himself more into the Suit by, mentally controlling the Iron Man Suit. Before he even has time to really test the new suit, a new threat comes to the city with the name, Mandarin. Mandarin decides to go after the President and Vice President, but Iron Man and War Machine or (Iron Patriot) try and find the threat and take him out. After Tony's friend, Happy is severely injured by following a suspicious person Tony sends a clear message to the Mandarin and gives him his address for a personal fight. Tony's house gets destroyed forcing Tony to try and protect Pepper. Before all that, Tony's demons come back to haunt him by, creating an Extremis Army of superhuman people, that all work for Mandarin. Now it's up to Tony to try and take out the most dangerous threat he's ever encountered.

Props to the film for being the most exciting and epic film I've seen all far. The choice for all the characters were just perfect, of course the original actors return to reprise their role one more time. I did like that the film did pick up right after The Avengers, probably a year or 6 months after, not sure exactly.

Soundtrack was also (to me) the best Iron Man soundtrack of the trilogy. Offering very epic music to run alongside the very awesome fight scenes happening on screen.

Story was also very good, offering a lot of plot twists that kept giving me goosebumps throughout the whole film. Acting couldn't of been better, they did a good job at choosing the actors for the parts.

I did see the film in RealD 3-D and honestly, was slightly disappointed. There were scenes that were good in 3D but they didn't film it in 3D, looked more like that converted it to 3D, not so many scenes that popped in 3D, if they didn't make it in 3D and just left it in regular 2D it would of been fine as well, but seeing Iron Man flying around and kicking ass in 3D was awesome to watch.

The credit scene (not end credit scene) did feel like, they were recapping the events of Iron Man films 1,2 and 3, making you feel as if they may not make an Iron Man 4, and will Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr) be in Avengers 2? Possibly but it's not looking like Iron Man 4 will happen at this point, but it could.

All in all, this was a very exciting third installment of a very good Superhero series, and well, you must see it.

I give, Iron Man 3. 8/10

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Dylan Dog: Dead of Night

Dylan Dog is a former Supernatural Private Investigator, but years go by and he's near forced into going back into the world of the Supernatural. With his friend, Marcus by his side, Dylan tries to find the heart of Belial, which has blood concealed inside of it, once stabbed into a vampire, it transforms him into a mega beast that destroys/kills everything in it's path. Dylan must try and track down the heart before the wrong people get their hands on it.

Since I've never read any of the comic's or even heard of it, the review is based solely on the film.

The film, wasn't all that bad, semi good actors mixed with, vampires, werewolf's, zombies, and one P.I that tries to keep the undead at peace, it sets up a unique world.

Was happy that all the actors were recognizable, always helps. It did have a decent story to keep my interest, with a nice twist at the end of the film. Soundtrack was also good as well.

What really surprised was how well done the CGI was, when vampires changed into their monster form, was fairly good looking, especially at the end when Dylan faces the super beast.

All in all it wasn't that bad of a film, not the greatest but not bad.

I give, Dylan Dog. 6/10