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Friday, May 31, 2013

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

After hesitantly accepting an adventure to aid the dwarfs to the Lonely Mountain, but they get side tracked as a few horses nearly become lunch for a few trolls, Bilbo sets out to cut the horses free, but then becomes lunch for the trolls. After that Bilbo, Gandalf, and the dwarfs set fourth on there journey, but then their on the run from Orcs who have been trailing them. They soon find a cave with left over Elf weapons which they gladly pick up. Soon they find the land of Rivendell from there, Lord Elrond helps them read the map. Again, they set onward to their journey only to get caught in between a falling rocks, only to find that there is a stone giant fight, and they have to not get squashed. When Gandalf stays behind, the gang heads to the Misty Mountains, where they get ambushed, Biblo falls into a cave, where he meets Gollum, where he find the Ring, and takes it. Once everyone finally leaves the Misty Mountains, the Orcs are back, and set out to kill them off, they are outnumbered, so they climb up the tree's and Gandalf sets out for help.

So much happened in this film, that I almost didn't decide to give a plot. I am surprised that they're making 3 films out of just one book, but that means that much of the book will be in the films, making it even more accurate.

Acting was at it's best! So many good actors playing Dwarfs, as well as original members coming back as well! Was nice seeing the original Bilbo (from the LOTR films) back with Frodo even. Film starts at the beginning of Fellowship of the Ring, without using stock footage, they re-shot it entirely!

Soundtrack was also just amazing, offering very epic music throughout the film. I almost thought they were going to use old music from the first 3 films, but they made entirely new and epic music!

I did see this in theatre the week of, and thought I already reviewed it, but found I didn't, so finally I do the review.

I just loved that so much of say, the first 6 chapters of the book was in this, they didn't take out so much, leaving in nearly everything. While reading the book I was thinking, they could cut this out for the film to save time, only to find that, that one scene was in it, which made me laugh.

This is just the start of a very epic trilogy of an already epic trilogy, I really can't wait for parts 2 and 3.

I give, The Hobbit, a 9/10

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