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Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Exorcist

Review based on the "Version You've Never Seen".

Regan is just your average 12 year old girl, until her mother finds out that she's been playing with a ouija board. Soon after Christine (mother) hears what she thinks is rats in the attic, only to find that there are no rats. When Regan goes to a hospital to get checked up on after saying her bed started shaking, Regan begins to slowly become more possessed by the demon, Pazuzu. After she starts become more violent and change, they call in therapists who are determined to think its a "Crossed Wire" in the brain, only to find nothing. They soon discuss to the mother that she could be possessed and to seek a priest. When Father Karras comes to their home to talk with the girl, he is also convinced that she is just crazy. Not long after, Regan says stuff about this mother, which only convinces that she's possessed. Karras then seeks more help by the Church who assigns Father Merrin to assist Karras in exorcising the demon out of the girl, in the ultimate battle between good and evil.

Must say, it was a fantastic horror film. Last time I saw the film was probably ten years ago on TV. Thought it was time I see the extended version of the best horror film, I've ever seen.

Acting was truly amazing, everyone did a great job at playing their part. I can see why Linda Blair won a Golden Globe for her role. Both roles of the Priests were perfect for this film, Merrin was amazing.

Soundtrack was well, creepy. The slow pace piano throughout the film just made it that much more creepy. Voice work for the Demon was also pretty good, really making it more creepy.

There was a good chunk of special effects, not so much CGI, but more old school style that no one really does anymore. The "Spiderwalk" scene was just creepy seeing, as it just appeared when it's a quiet scene.

There is 2 sequels that I'll review as well. Plus there is 2 prequels (that I did watch) but won't review as, the first prequel (Exorcist: The Beginning) was latter stripped and remade into (Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist) Both the same film, but both different.

This was truly a fantastic film, that no matter how many times you see it, it just won't get old.

I give, The Exorcist 9/10

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