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Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Dictator

After going to the US to Visit the UN headquarters General Haffaz Aladeen gets kidnapped by a body guard paid to kill him, but once that plan fails, only able to cut off his beard which sent him into hiding. A body double of Aladeen is taking his place, which is also going to sign a contract which will make the country a Democracy Country. Aladeen then meets up with Zoey, a feminist who runs an organic store that also as rights to visit the UN. Aladeen decides to use her to gain access to the hotel that the Body Double is staying at, kill him and reclaim his title and figure out who cast him while try to also rip up the contract. 

Film wasn't actually all that bad, with actors you'll actually recognize.

Story was pretty much predictable, offering no real big twist or anything new. Although a good chunk of the actors were good. Obviously Sacha Baron Cohen character would be the most outrageous person in the film, but a lot of one liners he said were just great.

Was a pretty plain movie, offering really nothing, but humor, a lot of crude, over the top humor. But was funny enough to keep my attention to see how it would end, even though as soon as his beard was shaved, you'd already know how, oh-well.

I give, The Dictator, 6/10

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