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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hangover Part III

In Bangkok Chow escapes prison, and fleas to Mexico. The "Wolfpack" gang is on their way to sending Alan to a clinic to give him help but thugs derail their van and drive them off the road and kidnap them. Marshall (Black Doug's boss) tell them that they need to find Chow or Doug (their Doug) will be killed. The gang is now off to find Chow and with any luck find the gold that Chow stole from Marshall.

The film was entertaining, and the tone was set much like the first film, while not as raunchy and dirty like the 2nd film, but still able to deliver laughs.

Film takes place 2 years after the 2nd film, opening in Bangkok where the 2nd film ended. Everyone from previous cast returns even members from the first film, with the addition of John Goodman who plays the villain later revealed as "Marshall" from the first film but only mention.

Story was pretty good, although tame compared to previous film, acting was about the same and with a familiar setting, Vegas! It was nice seeing them return to Vegas and into some pretty outrageous stunts, even returning back to Caesars Palace.

It is nice that the film series is ending with a 3rd and final film, as I just couldn't see it going on the a 4rth or onward. It did end with a recap of previous films (much like that of Iron-Man 3) showing that, it's over. But it ended good, the end scene was pretty outrageous and just wow.

I give Hangover Part III 6/10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good review. As far as being a comedy, yes, this movie as labeled as a comedy, but the laughs in this movie are pretty rare to some by. Actually, they rarely even come around.