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Monday, May 6, 2013

Iron Man 3

And one of the films I've been waiting to see I finally saw and it was epic.

Tony Stark has been quite busy since the events of New York, and has built many more Iron Man suits, ranging from uses. This time Tony has inserted himself more into the Suit by, mentally controlling the Iron Man Suit. Before he even has time to really test the new suit, a new threat comes to the city with the name, Mandarin. Mandarin decides to go after the President and Vice President, but Iron Man and War Machine or (Iron Patriot) try and find the threat and take him out. After Tony's friend, Happy is severely injured by following a suspicious person Tony sends a clear message to the Mandarin and gives him his address for a personal fight. Tony's house gets destroyed forcing Tony to try and protect Pepper. Before all that, Tony's demons come back to haunt him by, creating an Extremis Army of superhuman people, that all work for Mandarin. Now it's up to Tony to try and take out the most dangerous threat he's ever encountered.

Props to the film for being the most exciting and epic film I've seen all far. The choice for all the characters were just perfect, of course the original actors return to reprise their role one more time. I did like that the film did pick up right after The Avengers, probably a year or 6 months after, not sure exactly.

Soundtrack was also (to me) the best Iron Man soundtrack of the trilogy. Offering very epic music to run alongside the very awesome fight scenes happening on screen.

Story was also very good, offering a lot of plot twists that kept giving me goosebumps throughout the whole film. Acting couldn't of been better, they did a good job at choosing the actors for the parts.

I did see the film in RealD 3-D and honestly, was slightly disappointed. There were scenes that were good in 3D but they didn't film it in 3D, looked more like that converted it to 3D, not so many scenes that popped in 3D, if they didn't make it in 3D and just left it in regular 2D it would of been fine as well, but seeing Iron Man flying around and kicking ass in 3D was awesome to watch.

The credit scene (not end credit scene) did feel like, they were recapping the events of Iron Man films 1,2 and 3, making you feel as if they may not make an Iron Man 4, and will Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr) be in Avengers 2? Possibly but it's not looking like Iron Man 4 will happen at this point, but it could.

All in all, this was a very exciting third installment of a very good Superhero series, and well, you must see it.

I give, Iron Man 3. 8/10

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