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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Dark Knight Rises

Taking place 8 years after the death of Harvey Dent, Bruce Wayne/Batman has not been seen nor heard of and everyone thinks Batman now is just a myth. When a new threat comes to Gotham, Batman must step up one last time to track down the criminal known as, Bane. Just when Batman does get closer to him and betrayed by Catwoman, he gets trapped and in a fist fight with Bane, ultimately landing him in a deep hole for a prison. Few months go by while Bruce Wayne tries to build up more muscle and try and break free from the prison while Bane took control of the city and set free the prison inmates. When the bomb is almost set to go off, Bruce escapes just in time to be Batman one last time to face against his biggest threat ever, in an ultimate showdown between Cops vs Criminals and Batman vs Bane.

Yes I didn't say everything as I hate spoilers. I did mean to review this film the week of it's release, but just kept pushing it off, but I did see it opening weekend, so better late than never.

I was completely impressed with this film, offering the most exciting Batman film to date! The action was just amazing, the story couldn't of been better and the old cast returns which is great.

Loved the soundtrack, same dark tone as the first two films but with more oomph. Did notice there was more special effects in this one than the previous two combined, but made it feel realistic and amazing.

Acting was also perfect, Anne Hathaway as Catwoman was just great, although I was hoping that her suit would be more like a cat like in the 1992 film (Batman Returns) but, they gave her more unique look, looking great as well. Tom Hardy as Bane was also amazing, a lot better than the previous 1997 film (Batman and Robin) that version did look more like the comic, but...retarded. This new version greatly surpasses that version and makes it feel more real.

I loved that they even introduced "Robin" although just as a cop, but still in the city. The ending of "TDKR" noticed a lot of "what if" and a massive giveaway into a possible new film. One is, did Bane actually die? Did Batman actually die? The deaths of these main characters weren't answered so it lets your mind wander.

This is (to me) the most exciting Batman film to date and darkest.

                                             I give, The Dark Knight Rises a 9/10
TDKR wikipedia link
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