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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Evil Dead (2013)

Mia, David, Eric, Olivia and Natalie decide to go to a remote cabin in the hope of helping Mia stop with her addiction. When David finds an old book covered in barbed wire, he unwraps it and decides to read it. When Mia starts having withdrawals, she wanders off into the woods and gets attacked by the forest, only to come back to the cabin to find that the "Evil" has been unleashed after David read the book. Slowly Mia becomes more and more possessed, and the others assume she's going crazy. Not long after Olivia herself becomes possessed after a fight if Mia, then it's up to David, Eric and Natalie to try and fight them and try and escape the cabin before they all get killed.

Sometimes movies just shouldn't of been remade. I mean it wasn't a horrible film, but it is now just a mainstream horror film, offering very little thrills.

Acting was decent, and I found the actor who played "David" was (to me) the worst actor in the film. But the rest of the cast was fine. When they started becoming possessed by the "Evil" it was pretty exciting, offering a lot of violence and gore, but lack of story made it weak.

I won't compare this film to the original as you almost can't, they did have a lot of homage to the original film, quite a bit actually, but it was just bits here and there. When it did pick up it was entertaining (the last 30mins of the film).

But the action and gore was enough to keep my attention and wonder how it was going to end, although the story was weak, it wasn't all that bad.

I give, Evil Dead, 5/10

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