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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness

The Enterprise and crew were sent to the planet of Nibiru to safe it's inhabitants from a volcano from killing the species. After saving them, Kirk gets demoted as he made themselves seen. While Kirk is out, The Enterprise brought to a school, and his crew doing other missions, the Star Fleet in London gets blown up, with multiple deaths, and Kirk see's who did it. Kirk is then given back the Enterprise and his crew to fly to Kronos to try and capture the criminal, John Harrison. After a nice battle with the Klingon's John willingly surrenders. After being a prisoner of The Enterprise, the crew learns of a new threat that may be behind their ship being destroyed. Now it's up to the Crew, more specifically Kirk, Spock, and a few others to chase down John and stop the other enemy.

So much stuff happened in this film, that it was hard to say much as I don't like revealing spoilers.

Story was very good, virtually every ten minutes was a new twist and turn to really keep my attention. Special Effects were good as well, about the same as the previous film, just now more in space.

Acting was great! Same cast returns to the sequel as well as new actors to help sell the movie more. I did like that even the original Spock made a very small appearance too. 

I only saw this film in 2D as, it didn't seem to be a need to see it in 3D as they only converted the film in 3D rather than film it completely in 3D. I really do hope that they all come back to make this a trilogy, a third film would be greatly accepted!

Star Trek Into Darkness was a nice sequel with enough action on screen to keep you glued, as well a very epic space battle!

I give, Star Trek Into Darkness, 8/10

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