After the Comedian dies, Rorschach starts to investigate why he died, and thinks that someone is out to kill masked heroes. Everyone else thinks he's crazy until Nite Owl starts to believe him and goes off to warn everybody else. Nite Owl and Rorschach decide to team up again after years of being split up after Nite Owl quite, and try to further investigate. Dr. Manhattan is accused of giving cancer to his work buddies, and freaks out, and leaves the earth to visit Mars, where he decides to stay. Later on Rorschach goes to question an old villain, but gets framed and sent to prison. Silk Spectre II and Nite Owl go out for one last fling as there alter-ego and save people from a burning building only to decide to break Rorschach out of prison. When the three start putting pieces together, Rorschach and Nite Owl fly to Ozymandias to question him on the killing of the Comedian. Silk Spectre II gets teleported to Mars with Manhattan to discuss there relationship, Manhattan and Silk Spectre go back to earth to find that a massive bomb of some kind went off to look like Manhattan did it, they travel to see Ozymandias to question. Everyone ends up at Ozymandias place in Antarctica and things end rather violent for all of them.
I must say, this was the best film I saw in 2009. I saw it in theater three times, every Saturday for three in a row. Yes, I loved this film. Everything about it grabbed me into a whole new world and trapped me there until the credits rolled.
The acting was by far the best, each of the actors/actress's did an amazing job and portraying a comic-book character. When I saw this only a couple actors I recognized, but I didn't care as all of them did an amazing job in the film.
The CGI was just amazing as-well. Most of the film looked and probably was CGI but, I didn't care as it look just like it did in the graphic novel. Zach Snyder did an incredible job and bringing to life the characters! Seeing Manhattan lite up bright blue on screen looked amazing, I loved watching the behind the scenes on how they made him come to life. Seeing Archie flying in air was also pretty epic seeing, they made it look just like it flew out of the pages of the graphic novel.
Costume Design was also incredible, with only a few differences from the graphic novel, there was almost no differences. Nite Owl's costume was a-lot different, I do mean Nite Owl II. In the film they made him look more like Batman rather than more close to the graphic novel, which was fine, it was just a big difference. I loved seeing Rorschach's mask moving on screen, looked awesome, seeing it change because of different moods and events, just like the graphic novel.
The story was also incredible watching come to life, was set in an alternative 1985. Was a very strong, solid story. Everything you watched on screen was in the graphic novel, besides the ending, that was drastically different than the graphic novel, but it was still cool watching it.
Soundtrack was also amazing to listen to throughout the film. 2 different ones played during the film, and I loved them both. The music played dated from, 1930-1980 so a big timeline of songs. Also the score during the film was also amazing to listen to, gave a nice darker feel to the film.
During the film, you did get to see, The Tales of the Black Freighter, which was cut up into around 6 parts throughout the film, around every half-hour. Though I did feel as if it was a slight distraction to the film, but I found a-lot of people said that to, but it was still a nice fit, and people thought that Black Freighter was a distraction even in the graphic novel, oh-well, was still fun to read it.
Yes, this review is based on the Ultimate Cut version, with a run time of 3hrs 30mins. Made for quite the long watch, but it was still amazing.
Tales of the Black Freighter Review
The Sea Captain (yes, he had no name) was traveling back to his home to warn the village of the Black Freighter coming, along the way his ship was destroyed and lost at sea, a day later he made his way to land and used to bodies of his former mates to help the ship stay afloat. During his trip back home he fought off birds/hungry/thirst/sanity. When he arrived at the village he slowly crept into town and tried to warn his wife first, only to accidentally kill her, he thought it was a member of the Black Freighter. When he realized that he was actually going insane from being in the sea to long, he left and eventually saw the Black Freighter waiting for him to meet his final demise.
It was a nice read in the graphic novel, almost like a commercial. Voice acting was good, with a few people that sounded familiar but might of just been the one. Animation looked good, had good sound effects and good story. This story does not follow or continue the Watchmen story, it takes place centuries before it, was just another tale in the Watchmen story. Was a story in a story, but fit good.
I did mean to review this film a long time ago, I just never got around to watching it. Well, I did see it already, but wanted to watch it again to refresh my memory of the Ultimate Cut. Also, this review was intended on being the last review of 2011, I was to busy. Another thing, I did plan on making this the biggest review I've ever done, so don't get used to reviews being this big. This film had so much stuff happen in it, it was easy to keep going on and on about everything and make a huge review.
I am very happy they did this film this good. There was a plan to make this film shortly after the graphic novel came out, but failed to get anywhere. Then in 2005 they had a list of actors to play whomever, but also failed to get anywhere. Then finally in 2007 a new set list of actors were added and the near doomed film was finally made to the screen. To see a timeline of the doomed film and actors they chose click >
here< .
I give Watchmen Ultimate Cut, a perfect, _10/10_