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Monday, December 13, 2010

The Expendables

And here it is, Another review of the day. But this one is I think the 2nd best one I'll be doing. Yes I said 2nd, there is one that is just a little better.

The Expendables is about a bunch of Mercenaries about 6 that are off on an island that are trying to make some peace. Before there mission is over one of there own decided to turn his back on them and give in to the bad guys. After doing so, the team takes a mission from an unknown to take down a dictator and make the country more stable.

This movie has a WHOLE bunch of actors, they may not be the best actors ever, but I recognized all but like 2 actors in the whole movie, which to me, is a really good thing.

 This movie is one hell of an action movie, a whole lot of explosions, ton of different guns, and a lot of knives. If your looking for a big BOOM movie, this is it.

The Actors include,
Sylvester Stallone
Jason Statham
Jet Li
Dolph Lundgren
Eric Roberts
Randy Couture
Terry Crews
Mickey Rourke
David Zayas
And many more other actors that you will know.
                                                                 Yeah, this movie has a bunch of actors you will know.
The script in the movie could have been a lot better, it felt kind of dry and dull, but the story was pretty strong, and the action made up for the lack of a good script. This is finally a action movie worth watching, just the script is what brought it down a few notches.

There was one problem I had with the movie, but that would be a spoiler, but I can say it without giving away to much info, there was one actor that I love in this movie, that I thought would be kicking ass like he did in movie before it, but he didn't do anything, but sob about the past, which only made me feel sorry about him and almost shed a tear with what he was saying. But that aside, still a good movie.

                                                                      I Give
                                                              The Expendables

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