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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Firefox Vs. Google Chrome Vs. IE8

So, lately I noticed some glitch on firefox, on there latest version, when ever i do anything that uses Flash, it freezes, after doing many clicks, and moving the mouse its fine, but its still buggy. So then i reverted to IE8 but I hate internet explorer, for lack of features and overall suckyness.  So then a few days later, I decided to use Google Chrome, I've used it before, and forgot why I stopped using it, it's very fast, has many apps you can use, and it's bigger. To me it's a strong competitor to firefox.

So far Firefox, or Mozilla has still yet to have an update for it, to fix the problem. So, in the mean time, im using Chrome, I may just use it for good now. I havent seen any problems with it so far, and a few of my friends just love it.

Finale words. Fuck IE8 or IE9, well really all versions of Internet Explorer. And Damnit Firefox....So, Welcome Chrome.

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