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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jonah Hex

Here it is. The one movie I promised I would never watch. Only because I only heard bad things about this movie. Note that if you hate this movie. Don't read my review.

Jonah Hex is about a former Civil War solider who ended up messing with the wrong person, who then killed his family, and left a horrible scar on his face. He then becomes a bounty hunter and learns that his old foe is still alive and decides to get revenge.

The movie is based on a pretty good selling comic book of the same name, I never read any of them, but I just kept hearing good things about the comics.

I like how it takes place in the west during im guessing the late 1800's. The action in the movie was actually pretty good. I liked it anyways.

The script wasn't the best out there, but it was not that bad, all the actors that had a big role had some witty comments and good lines throughout the movie.

I was surprised that say, 20% of the movie was humor, most of what Jonah Hex said was something funny or witty, which made the movie go a lot better.

And we can't forget the the actors in the movie, Megan Fox played his long time love if you will in the movie, and she also has quiet the punch to her to. Also it has John Malkovich has the lead bad person in the movie, who also was the one who gave Jonah his scar.

It was just nice seeing recognizable actors in the movie, and not one where your going, who's that? this isn't one of those movies.

I kept reading online about how bad and terrible this movie is, and well. I beg to differ. I'm guessing all the people that hated this movie are comic book nerds who need the movie to be exactly like the comic, but that WILL NEVER HAPPEN. So, I figured if a guy like me, that never read the comics, may just like the movie, since I can't compare the movie to the comic. Well, I was right. I actually liked this movie.

I would watch this movie again, to me it was pretty well done, with good acting and awesome looking effects throughout the movie.

                                                       Jonah Hex gets a--

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