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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

I was going to save this one for Thursday, but I figured what the hell. Here is my review of...

Scott Pilgrim is a 22 year guy that is in a band, after falling in love with Ramona Flowers, the heat is on, not between them, but between Ramona's evil ex's. He must go into battle with not 1 or 2, but 7 evil ex's.

Matthew Patel, Ramona's first evil ex
Lucas Lee, Ramona's second evil ex
Todd Ingram, Ramona's third evil ex
Roxanne "Roxy" Richter, Ramona's fourth evil ex
Kyle and Ken Katayanagi, Ramona's fifth and sixth evil ex
Gideon Gordon Graves, Ramona's seventh evil ex

All of the ex's have a different fighting style and or power.

This movie had some really good action scenes with very good special effects, and awesome sound effects, that sounded and looked like I was watching a video game, brought to life.

Scott Pilgrim also had some pretty good actors to portray both the main characters, and Evil Ex's. What I found funny was two of the ex's were both in super-hero movies, one as Super-Man, the other as Human Torch now as Captain America.

I still have yet to actually read the Scott Pilgrim series, but I heard that they were pretty good, so I'll read them sometime in the future.

I really loved all the humor in this movie, the script was pretty well done. The actors did a good job at selling the part.

This movie also had a TON of blu ray extras, I didn't watch all them I only watched the Deleted Scenes, and Bloopers, then I went to sleep, but there was so much more on the disc. This is definitely one movie you should watch, over, and over. You won't regret it.

With that being said, I give Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

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