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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Best Movies of 2010

Here is my opinions for best Movie's of 2010.

                    #14: From Paris With Love
  #13: The Road
   #12: Jonah Hex
                            #11: Scott Pilgrim Vs The World
             #10: The Expendables
         #9: Knight and Day
                #8: The Social Network
#7: Kick-Ass
                     #6: Iron-Man 2                  
                        #5: The Sorcerer's Apprentice
    #4: The A-Team
          #3: Prince Of Persia
             #2: Clash of the Titans
                #1: Harry Potter 7 part 1

Ok, so it was going to be just 10, but this year had some pretty good movies. 

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