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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


One of my favorite movies of 2010. My review of....

Inception is about a group of people who enter your dreams, to extract certain memories or information, but then this group of people do one last job, where they have to plant a fake memory inside of a man, who will hopefully believe the lie, and they can leave safely. 

This movie was pretty ODD, I heard that if you like The Matrix, then you may just like this movie, Well, this movie is as odd as The Matrix, but not anywhere near as awesome has The Matrix, I did see a few similarities but that was about it.

The movie did have a pretty good cast of actors that played there role just amazing. Inception was pretty long of a movie, with it being around 2 hours and 30mins, and felt like it lasted around 4 hours.

The movie was kind of slow in the start, and left you with a TON of questions, with only a few questions actually answered throughout the whole movie.

Like this question. What was that machine they used to enter your dreams, They showed you the machine, they told you the name, but they didn't go into detail on how it exactly works. That was really the only question I wanted answered, but never did. All-well.

This review will be quite smaller compared to my other ones, cause so much happened in the movie, I would have to watch it again, to give a much more detailed review. but the movie was pretty awesome, and to me, was the best sci-fi movie of 2010, and possibly since the first matrix.

I give Inception

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