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Monday, December 13, 2010

Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Review 3 of 4 of the day. I did not intend to do a review of this movie, but, I figured I watched it last night, and what the hell. So here is my review of...

Eclipse takes place I'm guessing moments or months after New Moon. Again we find Bella struggling to make up her mind about Edward or Jacob all while being hunted by what looked like rouge vampires but really there just newborns. We find the cullens making a hard but wise choice in training the Werewolves to prepare for the epic battle.

Vampire Vs. Vampire Vs. Werewolf? Yes. That is in the latest installment. I was actually impressed with Eclipse with the action and the scrip and music as well.

Like the other ones all the actors return to reprise there role in being either vampire or werewolf, or human.

The story is pretty well done, the action scenes were worth watching and the love conflict between Bella and Edward and Jacob was finally a little more toned down than the previous two.

I was impressed with the final battle scene and Bella wanting to become...Oh wait. That would be a spoiler. This movie actually had more humor in it that the other two, which was funny, made it more entertaining.

The effects were the same as the other two, but it still somehow kept my attention. This 3rd installment is  the best in the series with a epic battle and more humor, and no stupid high school life.

I say if you are a fan of the books you might have to see this movie. It was actually done well.

                                                               My score for Eclipse is:

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