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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Knight and Day

Alrighty, I am back with regular reviews. Consider the 4 previous ones bonus reviews.

Knight and Day is about a Spy type person named Roy who is protecting a kid genius from Spanish bad guys from getting his new battery. Along the way Roy meets a woman named June who has nothing to do with him protecting her other than being at the right place and the wrong time.

This movie was very well done. It had a nice balance of action scenes mixed with humor and the occasional romance scene, when all is combined, makes one hell of a movie.

This movie had the best script and dialogue I've heard in a movie in quite some time. Smart witty and funny lines were used throughout the whole movie, which kept my interest.

The only thing I had some confusion with was, they never said exactly what Roy's actually job title is, could of been like, CIA, or anything really, but then they did, and made it just kind of confusing, but in the end of the movie, it all made sense.

This movie finally has good actors, good script, and very good action scenes, including an awesome chase scene, even a bull running scene, which was kind of humorous.

Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz work just perfect in this movie. I don't know if I could come up with another perfect pair. Just wouldn't be the same.

I'm still wondering why I never saw this movie in theaters, this was one movie that should not be missed.

                                                                              Knight and Day
                                                                  For just being an awesome movie.

I would say more about this movie, but then I would be spoiling most of the movie. So, I just summed it up.

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