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Monday, December 13, 2010

Vampires Suck

Here I am, Back with more reviews for the masses. This is like one of about 4 of the day! Yes, you heard right. I'm doing about 4 reviews back to back to back.

I start off the review party with one of the funniest parody movie's I've seen in a while with Vampires Suck.

This movie is largely based on the Twilight movie. Which is about time someone does a parody of the movie.

As with most parody's there really is no storyline since there really is no story to tell, just spoofing the movie. So the movie is basically a bunch of segments that parody the movie.
Which to me, works out perfectly.

So, this movie is pretty funny, to me that is. Most of the other reviews hated this movie, but this is my kind of humor.

Twilight isn't the only movie it's parodying. They also throw in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, True Blood, Black eyed peas, Alice in wonderland, and many more little bits, that if you don't look closely at it, you may miss it.

But if you are one that is say sick of the Twilight Movies and is wanted a parody that has surprising good acting and good spoofs, id say watch this movie.

                                                                   I give
                                                           Vampires Suck

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