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Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

The long awaited review, The one I was going to do weeks ago, but just forgot to. Now here is my review of....

The Sorcerer's Apprentice is about a very good sorcerer, Balthazar Blake who has been in a long battle to capture the evil,  Maxim Horvath. Who along the way has been trying to find a special kid, who is capable of wearing Merlin's Ring who will then, take down Maxim, and the most evil of them all, Morgan le Fay.

This movie is great, first you have, Magic, awesome action throughout the whole movie, some good comedy moments, and very good acting from all the actors in the movie.

The CGI in the movie was so good, it was crazy good. I almost thought for a second that they were really doing the magic tricks and stunts, but then I went, oh yeah. It's just a movie.

But a very good one. So that's really the only thing that matters.

The movie isn't a direct remake of the classic movie, Fantasia, but a lot of the same elements that are in Fantasia, are in this movie. Which worked out perfect. There is one scene from Fantasia that is in this one that is identical, just not animated, live action instead.

The ending, more like after credit scene, left us going, SEQUEL, but it's still way to early if they are still even considering it, but the scene was pretty clear that "oh...spoiler..." never mind. 

I forgot I try not to say to many spoilers, cause then someone might not like if they read it before watching the movie. But then you gotta think, why read a review of a movie, that you haven't even seen yet. Duh...

Again, this movie was perfect in almost all aspects of the movie. Good acting, great effects, and very good story line kept me wanting to watch more of the movie, maybe even go out and see Fantasia and Fantasia 2000.

              I give Sorcerer's Apprentice

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