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Monday, December 13, 2010


The 4th and last review of the day, and by far, the best review of the day.

Tootsie is about a middle aged actor who is struggling with finding a role in about anything, even commercials. He then try's out for a show and gets rejected before even getting an audition. He then comes up with the brilliant idea to dress up as a women and go and try out for the same show, after getting the role everybody loves her? no him. He then figures he can't be playing a women the rest of his life and decides to come out on LIVE t.v.

This movie is to me the best movie of its genre. Tootsie has some very good acting from Dustin Hoffman and Jessica Lange with a few good supporing actors from Geena Davis and Bill Murray who play's his roommate.

Tootsie had some very..VERY funny humor from just about all the actors in the movie.The script was very well done, had some great character progression.

Most the humor was either dark or dry, and a few laugh out loud moments. He does play a very convincing women. I just wished there was a full scene with him coming to the conclusion to become a women, and also put the whole look together. Since they didn't have that they kind of just skipped right to him being a women, which wasn't bad, but just felt like they should of have a few more scenes before it.

This movie is older with being made in the 80's but, aren't most good movie's in the 80's? What can I say about this movie that isn't a massive spoiler? Damn, I can't think of any.

This movie does remind alot of the movie, Juwanna Mann. Which came out early 2000's, and was funny, but not that funny, which made me think that the makers of Juwanna Mann came up with the idea from watching this movie, because a few scenes in Tootsie were in Juwanna Mann. If you had to choose, I would say no other than Tootsie. While Juwanna Mann is funny, the movie just got a little old after a while.

I would defiantly recommend this movie to, practically anyone.  So, What are you waiting for, watch it!

                                                                  I Give Tootsie

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