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Thursday, December 30, 2010


So, i just posted a few pictures of me on both my twitter and facebook, dont be afraid to check them out on my twitter, and for facebook, i have to add you first! Cya new years eve!!!!

Random post thingy idk...

Um, this is just a random post, cause this post MARKS MY 150th POST!!!! YAY.... Only one more blog is coming, and it wont be up until friday or saturday!!

Worst Movies of 2010

So, first off, I really didnt see that many bad movies this year, I tried to stay away from them, hence, not seeing many of them.
But there is a few that I did see that looked good, but sucked ass.
First off is The Wolfman (2010) version, this version sucked ass, nuff said.
2nd is, Titanic 2, had nothing to do with the 1st one, and was very, VERY bad.
3rd is,  MacGruber One, it just wasnt that funny, two i really dont remember it that good.
4th is,  Hot Tub Time Machine, it was funny in some parts, had good actors, but it sucked.
5th is,  The Killers, had some good acting, and good actors, but they tired and failed hard.
6th is,  Suppose The Last Airbender is number 6, But i just never saw it, it still is one my watch list, im just going by what everyone has said about it.

This is a Rap up of reviews of the year!! See you in 2011.

Firefox Vs. Google Chrome Vs. IE8

So, lately I noticed some glitch on firefox, on there latest version, when ever i do anything that uses Flash, it freezes, after doing many clicks, and moving the mouse its fine, but its still buggy. So then i reverted to IE8 but I hate internet explorer, for lack of features and overall suckyness.  So then a few days later, I decided to use Google Chrome, I've used it before, and forgot why I stopped using it, it's very fast, has many apps you can use, and it's bigger. To me it's a strong competitor to firefox.

So far Firefox, or Mozilla has still yet to have an update for it, to fix the problem. So, in the mean time, im using Chrome, I may just use it for good now. I havent seen any problems with it so far, and a few of my friends just love it.

Finale words. Fuck IE8 or IE9, well really all versions of Internet Explorer. And Damnit Firefox....So, Welcome Chrome.

Best Movies of 2010

Here is my opinions for best Movie's of 2010.

                    #14: From Paris With Love
  #13: The Road
   #12: Jonah Hex
                            #11: Scott Pilgrim Vs The World
             #10: The Expendables
         #9: Knight and Day
                #8: The Social Network
#7: Kick-Ass
                     #6: Iron-Man 2                  
                        #5: The Sorcerer's Apprentice
    #4: The A-Team
          #3: Prince Of Persia
             #2: Clash of the Titans
                #1: Harry Potter 7 part 1

Ok, so it was going to be just 10, but this year had some pretty good movies. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


One of my favorite movies of 2010. My review of....

Inception is about a group of people who enter your dreams, to extract certain memories or information, but then this group of people do one last job, where they have to plant a fake memory inside of a man, who will hopefully believe the lie, and they can leave safely. 

This movie was pretty ODD, I heard that if you like The Matrix, then you may just like this movie, Well, this movie is as odd as The Matrix, but not anywhere near as awesome has The Matrix, I did see a few similarities but that was about it.

The movie did have a pretty good cast of actors that played there role just amazing. Inception was pretty long of a movie, with it being around 2 hours and 30mins, and felt like it lasted around 4 hours.

The movie was kind of slow in the start, and left you with a TON of questions, with only a few questions actually answered throughout the whole movie.

Like this question. What was that machine they used to enter your dreams, They showed you the machine, they told you the name, but they didn't go into detail on how it exactly works. That was really the only question I wanted answered, but never did. All-well.

This review will be quite smaller compared to my other ones, cause so much happened in the movie, I would have to watch it again, to give a much more detailed review. but the movie was pretty awesome, and to me, was the best sci-fi movie of 2010, and possibly since the first matrix.

I give Inception

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

The long awaited review, The one I was going to do weeks ago, but just forgot to. Now here is my review of....

The Sorcerer's Apprentice is about a very good sorcerer, Balthazar Blake who has been in a long battle to capture the evil,  Maxim Horvath. Who along the way has been trying to find a special kid, who is capable of wearing Merlin's Ring who will then, take down Maxim, and the most evil of them all, Morgan le Fay.

This movie is great, first you have, Magic, awesome action throughout the whole movie, some good comedy moments, and very good acting from all the actors in the movie.

The CGI in the movie was so good, it was crazy good. I almost thought for a second that they were really doing the magic tricks and stunts, but then I went, oh yeah. It's just a movie.

But a very good one. So that's really the only thing that matters.

The movie isn't a direct remake of the classic movie, Fantasia, but a lot of the same elements that are in Fantasia, are in this movie. Which worked out perfect. There is one scene from Fantasia that is in this one that is identical, just not animated, live action instead.

The ending, more like after credit scene, left us going, SEQUEL, but it's still way to early if they are still even considering it, but the scene was pretty clear that "oh...spoiler..." never mind. 

I forgot I try not to say to many spoilers, cause then someone might not like if they read it before watching the movie. But then you gotta think, why read a review of a movie, that you haven't even seen yet. Duh...

Again, this movie was perfect in almost all aspects of the movie. Good acting, great effects, and very good story line kept me wanting to watch more of the movie, maybe even go out and see Fantasia and Fantasia 2000.

              I give Sorcerer's Apprentice

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jonah Hex

Here it is. The one movie I promised I would never watch. Only because I only heard bad things about this movie. Note that if you hate this movie. Don't read my review.

Jonah Hex is about a former Civil War solider who ended up messing with the wrong person, who then killed his family, and left a horrible scar on his face. He then becomes a bounty hunter and learns that his old foe is still alive and decides to get revenge.

The movie is based on a pretty good selling comic book of the same name, I never read any of them, but I just kept hearing good things about the comics.

I like how it takes place in the west during im guessing the late 1800's. The action in the movie was actually pretty good. I liked it anyways.

The script wasn't the best out there, but it was not that bad, all the actors that had a big role had some witty comments and good lines throughout the movie.

I was surprised that say, 20% of the movie was humor, most of what Jonah Hex said was something funny or witty, which made the movie go a lot better.

And we can't forget the the actors in the movie, Megan Fox played his long time love if you will in the movie, and she also has quiet the punch to her to. Also it has John Malkovich has the lead bad person in the movie, who also was the one who gave Jonah his scar.

It was just nice seeing recognizable actors in the movie, and not one where your going, who's that? this isn't one of those movies.

I kept reading online about how bad and terrible this movie is, and well. I beg to differ. I'm guessing all the people that hated this movie are comic book nerds who need the movie to be exactly like the comic, but that WILL NEVER HAPPEN. So, I figured if a guy like me, that never read the comics, may just like the movie, since I can't compare the movie to the comic. Well, I was right. I actually liked this movie.

I would watch this movie again, to me it was pretty well done, with good acting and awesome looking effects throughout the movie.

                                                       Jonah Hex gets a--

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

I was going to save this one for Thursday, but I figured what the hell. Here is my review of...

Scott Pilgrim is a 22 year guy that is in a band, after falling in love with Ramona Flowers, the heat is on, not between them, but between Ramona's evil ex's. He must go into battle with not 1 or 2, but 7 evil ex's.

Matthew Patel, Ramona's first evil ex
Lucas Lee, Ramona's second evil ex
Todd Ingram, Ramona's third evil ex
Roxanne "Roxy" Richter, Ramona's fourth evil ex
Kyle and Ken Katayanagi, Ramona's fifth and sixth evil ex
Gideon Gordon Graves, Ramona's seventh evil ex

All of the ex's have a different fighting style and or power.

This movie had some really good action scenes with very good special effects, and awesome sound effects, that sounded and looked like I was watching a video game, brought to life.

Scott Pilgrim also had some pretty good actors to portray both the main characters, and Evil Ex's. What I found funny was two of the ex's were both in super-hero movies, one as Super-Man, the other as Human Torch now as Captain America.

I still have yet to actually read the Scott Pilgrim series, but I heard that they were pretty good, so I'll read them sometime in the future.

I really loved all the humor in this movie, the script was pretty well done. The actors did a good job at selling the part.

This movie also had a TON of blu ray extras, I didn't watch all them I only watched the Deleted Scenes, and Bloopers, then I went to sleep, but there was so much more on the disc. This is definitely one movie you should watch, over, and over. You won't regret it.

With that being said, I give Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Knight and Day

Alrighty, I am back with regular reviews. Consider the 4 previous ones bonus reviews.

Knight and Day is about a Spy type person named Roy who is protecting a kid genius from Spanish bad guys from getting his new battery. Along the way Roy meets a woman named June who has nothing to do with him protecting her other than being at the right place and the wrong time.

This movie was very well done. It had a nice balance of action scenes mixed with humor and the occasional romance scene, when all is combined, makes one hell of a movie.

This movie had the best script and dialogue I've heard in a movie in quite some time. Smart witty and funny lines were used throughout the whole movie, which kept my interest.

The only thing I had some confusion with was, they never said exactly what Roy's actually job title is, could of been like, CIA, or anything really, but then they did, and made it just kind of confusing, but in the end of the movie, it all made sense.

This movie finally has good actors, good script, and very good action scenes, including an awesome chase scene, even a bull running scene, which was kind of humorous.

Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz work just perfect in this movie. I don't know if I could come up with another perfect pair. Just wouldn't be the same.

I'm still wondering why I never saw this movie in theaters, this was one movie that should not be missed.

                                                                              Knight and Day
                                                                  For just being an awesome movie.

I would say more about this movie, but then I would be spoiling most of the movie. So, I just summed it up.

Monday, December 13, 2010


The 4th and last review of the day, and by far, the best review of the day.

Tootsie is about a middle aged actor who is struggling with finding a role in about anything, even commercials. He then try's out for a show and gets rejected before even getting an audition. He then comes up with the brilliant idea to dress up as a women and go and try out for the same show, after getting the role everybody loves her? no him. He then figures he can't be playing a women the rest of his life and decides to come out on LIVE t.v.

This movie is to me the best movie of its genre. Tootsie has some very good acting from Dustin Hoffman and Jessica Lange with a few good supporing actors from Geena Davis and Bill Murray who play's his roommate.

Tootsie had some very..VERY funny humor from just about all the actors in the movie.The script was very well done, had some great character progression.

Most the humor was either dark or dry, and a few laugh out loud moments. He does play a very convincing women. I just wished there was a full scene with him coming to the conclusion to become a women, and also put the whole look together. Since they didn't have that they kind of just skipped right to him being a women, which wasn't bad, but just felt like they should of have a few more scenes before it.

This movie is older with being made in the 80's but, aren't most good movie's in the 80's? What can I say about this movie that isn't a massive spoiler? Damn, I can't think of any.

This movie does remind alot of the movie, Juwanna Mann. Which came out early 2000's, and was funny, but not that funny, which made me think that the makers of Juwanna Mann came up with the idea from watching this movie, because a few scenes in Tootsie were in Juwanna Mann. If you had to choose, I would say no other than Tootsie. While Juwanna Mann is funny, the movie just got a little old after a while.

I would defiantly recommend this movie to, practically anyone.  So, What are you waiting for, watch it!

                                                                  I Give Tootsie

Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Review 3 of 4 of the day. I did not intend to do a review of this movie, but, I figured I watched it last night, and what the hell. So here is my review of...

Eclipse takes place I'm guessing moments or months after New Moon. Again we find Bella struggling to make up her mind about Edward or Jacob all while being hunted by what looked like rouge vampires but really there just newborns. We find the cullens making a hard but wise choice in training the Werewolves to prepare for the epic battle.

Vampire Vs. Vampire Vs. Werewolf? Yes. That is in the latest installment. I was actually impressed with Eclipse with the action and the scrip and music as well.

Like the other ones all the actors return to reprise there role in being either vampire or werewolf, or human.

The story is pretty well done, the action scenes were worth watching and the love conflict between Bella and Edward and Jacob was finally a little more toned down than the previous two.

I was impressed with the final battle scene and Bella wanting to become...Oh wait. That would be a spoiler. This movie actually had more humor in it that the other two, which was funny, made it more entertaining.

The effects were the same as the other two, but it still somehow kept my attention. This 3rd installment is  the best in the series with a epic battle and more humor, and no stupid high school life.

I say if you are a fan of the books you might have to see this movie. It was actually done well.

                                                               My score for Eclipse is:

The Expendables

And here it is, Another review of the day. But this one is I think the 2nd best one I'll be doing. Yes I said 2nd, there is one that is just a little better.

The Expendables is about a bunch of Mercenaries about 6 that are off on an island that are trying to make some peace. Before there mission is over one of there own decided to turn his back on them and give in to the bad guys. After doing so, the team takes a mission from an unknown to take down a dictator and make the country more stable.

This movie has a WHOLE bunch of actors, they may not be the best actors ever, but I recognized all but like 2 actors in the whole movie, which to me, is a really good thing.

 This movie is one hell of an action movie, a whole lot of explosions, ton of different guns, and a lot of knives. If your looking for a big BOOM movie, this is it.

The Actors include,
Sylvester Stallone
Jason Statham
Jet Li
Dolph Lundgren
Eric Roberts
Randy Couture
Terry Crews
Mickey Rourke
David Zayas
And many more other actors that you will know.
                                                                 Yeah, this movie has a bunch of actors you will know.
The script in the movie could have been a lot better, it felt kind of dry and dull, but the story was pretty strong, and the action made up for the lack of a good script. This is finally a action movie worth watching, just the script is what brought it down a few notches.

There was one problem I had with the movie, but that would be a spoiler, but I can say it without giving away to much info, there was one actor that I love in this movie, that I thought would be kicking ass like he did in movie before it, but he didn't do anything, but sob about the past, which only made me feel sorry about him and almost shed a tear with what he was saying. But that aside, still a good movie.

                                                                      I Give
                                                              The Expendables

Vampires Suck

Here I am, Back with more reviews for the masses. This is like one of about 4 of the day! Yes, you heard right. I'm doing about 4 reviews back to back to back.

I start off the review party with one of the funniest parody movie's I've seen in a while with Vampires Suck.

This movie is largely based on the Twilight movie. Which is about time someone does a parody of the movie.

As with most parody's there really is no storyline since there really is no story to tell, just spoofing the movie. So the movie is basically a bunch of segments that parody the movie.
Which to me, works out perfectly.

So, this movie is pretty funny, to me that is. Most of the other reviews hated this movie, but this is my kind of humor.

Twilight isn't the only movie it's parodying. They also throw in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, True Blood, Black eyed peas, Alice in wonderland, and many more little bits, that if you don't look closely at it, you may miss it.

But if you are one that is say sick of the Twilight Movies and is wanted a parody that has surprising good acting and good spoofs, id say watch this movie.

                                                                   I give
                                                           Vampires Suck

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

OMG!!! I'm Back..

So, starting the 14th of December, Regular movie reviews will be back online, the past few weeks, ive been busy with what turned out to be...a complete waste of time.

So, the next review will be...a complete surprise.....