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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Batman Begins

After Bruce Wayne loses his parents as a child, he grows up with one thought of killing the killer. When someone else kills him instead of Bruce doing it, he runs off on a ship to take him anywhere. Bruce ends up in some Asian prison, where he meets, Henri Ducard who takes him in as a new ninja in training. Bruce slowly begins his training in League of Shadows but Bruce had a different opinion and ultimately left to go back home. Bruce learns of what he has to do and becomes Batman, but before he hits up the technology department of his empire, and starts getting all the toys that make him into Batman. Soon Batman learns of a new threat, Scarecrow who is using a drug to induce hallucinations via airborne toxin. Batman finds that Henri Ducard is back to take his vengeance out on Gotham City, Batman stops at nothing to stop Henri from releasing the toxin on the entire city.

It is about time that a Batman film is done right. The acting amazing, story awesome, and soundtrack couldn't be better.

All the actors you will recognizance as they all have been in many other films, there aren't just anybody's in this film. Each actor playing there part so well, you'd actually believe them. They were all that convincing.

Story was my favorite part of the film. For once we get to see the back story of young Bruce Wayne, and see him slowly transition into, Batman. You get to finally see why he chose to fight crime and be the hero Gotham was looking for.

Soundtrack was my favorite part, the music of the previous films were good, but this one tops them all by miles, really gave the film a nice dark tone and suspenseful feeling to it.

For a while I was wondering who was going to be a villain, couldn't be anyone that was to comic booky.. They chose Scarecrow and the actor played it perfect, Scarecrow was just as smart and crazy at the same time. Also serving as a 2nd villain was Henri Ducard or aka, Ra's al Ghul playing the guy who made Bruce into Batman, also being the one who comes face to face with him, trying to defeat him.

This is by far my favorite Batman film of all time, and probably the best one ever! For once it wasn't over the top and to outrageous, this was a perfect film with great actors and a great director!

I give, Batman Begins. _8/10_

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dude, Where's My Car?

When Jesse and Chester try to remember what they did the previous night, they try to put the pieces together and try to find there car. The hunt leads them to the Kitty Kat Club where they learn they accepted stolen money from a transsexual stripper. From there they find there huge party destroyed there girlfriends house and help clean. After which they end up getting kidnapped by a group of people who need the, Continuum Transfunctioner to go to another world. Jesse and Chester meet up with there friend, Nelson for more questions and go to a Chinese restaurant and destroy it's speaker box. After which Jesse and Chester find two aliens (who to them look like gay Nordic people) both of which looking for the Continuum Transfunctioner, they tell them to go away and they continue to look for more answers. They get slightly beat up by bullies who are mad cause they like there girlfriend. Once more pieces are put together, they find there car, only it was sold at a police auction by accident. The two go to a house who has an Ostridge farm, they get kidnapped and soon set free as Chester knows the answer. It all ends once Jesse and Chester call everyone to miniature golf park where they supposedly have it. Chester realizes he does have it, the Rubik Cube is the device and Chester just cracked it. Now Chester and Jesse must decide to give it to the hot alien chicks or the weird Nordic guys. 

This film was just so dorky and funny, even if the movie really made no sense, I got a good laugh from it, even 10 years later. Acting was not the greatest but maybe it wasn't suppose to, as it was that dorky. The story was semi-decent with like one twist. There was a surprisingly quite a few good actors in the film, Ashton Kutcher and Seann William Scott along with a few others. 

I did hear a couple years ago that they were planning a sequel called, Seriously Dude, Where's My Car? The status is still unknown whether or not it will actually happen. I kind of hope they do. 

I give, Dude, Where's My Car?  _6/10_

Quantum of Solace

Bond now is seeking revenge for the loss of Vespa, M warned him don't do revenge, but Bond didn't listen and is out on a personal mission to take down the people that killed her. MI6 captured Mr. White and tried asking questions, only to find out that he's part of a unknown group. Mr. White escapes and Bond is forced to chase him. After things get to personal for Bond, M calls in to cancel Bonds credit cards and trace him. Bond meets up with a girl, Camille Montes who Bond learned was being chased by someone wanting to kill her, the two become friends and Bond learns of his new target, Dominic Greene who ordered her to be killed but failed when Bond intersected. Bond figures out his cards don't work and seeks out help from,  RenĂ© Mathis who helps Bond get to Bolivia to get on a plane. Bonds learns that Camille is also seeking revenge from General Medrano who killed her family in a fire when she was a little girl. Bond and Camille both go to the desert to seek out and kill Rene and Medrano. Earlier Bond learns that Rene is not making a drill site to dig or oil, but to take the water from the area and try to sell it. After Bond and Rene have a pretty epic fight, Bond does take to his word, and lets Rene live, leaving him in the desert with just a can of oil.

Another awesome Bond film in the series. Although I was kind of on the fence with this one.

The story is great and the acting is good, was just as good as the previous one, but, something about this film just (to me) felt a little short, don't know if it was the story or acting or what, but just felt out of place. After watching both films back to back, this film would of almost been better as like Casino Royale 1.5. This film was an hour shorter than before and felt like this should of been apart of Casino Royale rather than it's own film. This film does take place an hour or two after the events of Casino Royale which is good, but I think it could of been longer, only a run time of 1hr and 45mins. They should of have another 30 minutes or more to include more story. 

Action in the film went even above and beyond than before! The film opens in an epic car chase, followed by a foot chase, which leads into a boat chase then a plane chase dog fight. Land,sea and Air, this film chases it all. This film did feel as if it had as much action as before, just not as much story, the action out weighed the story. 

Music was just as good as before, same kind of music played throughout the film, the intro song was good, but felt a little week and not so, Bond like. But music was good. 

I give, Quantum of Solace. _7/10_

Casino Royale

Right before he became a 00 he killed a MI6 traitor, after which he's giving his 007 status. When Bond goes to Madagascar to hunt for a international bomb maker, things get out of control and Bond is chasing down the bomb maker ultimately causing a large trail of destruction behind him. Bond was givin a warning to not kill the next one. Bond finds the phone with a text connected to Le Chiffre. Bond travels to the Bahamas to find Dimitrios to find answers only to discover that on his wild goose chase, someone was planning on blowing up the unveiling of a new plane. Bond luckily stops the bomb before anyone was killed. Bond finds that all this is connected to Le Chiffre and must find him. When Bond is on the train he meets up with his contact, Vesper who is posing as Bonds wife, and is going to help Bond take down Le Chiffre.They find that Le Chiffre has entered in a very high stakes poker game worth millions. MI6 found that Le Chiffre borrowed millions in the promise of what ever, and he failed to pay it back, he must now win the poker game to pay back the people, Bond is at the poker game to make sure he doesn't win. After the poker match Bond questions if Vesper is good or a double agent. Bond and Vesper start to fall for one another when Le Chiffre captures Bond and tortures both Bond and Vesper. 

This would have to be the best Bond film I've seen...ever!! Acting was just amazing, soundtrack was awesome and the story was a masterpiece. 

This is a reboot of the franchise, and it was well worth it. After Pierce Brosnan's Bond I was kind of hoping for a much better Bond film, Pierce's were fine, but never was, wow, like the ones before him. I haven't seen all the Bond films, but a good chunk of them, and this is by far my favorite Bond to date.

Acting was very much amazing. So many good actors playing the part near perfect. I am really happy they chose Daniel Craig to play bond as I think he's the best one, other's will say otherwise. Was also nice seeing Judi Dench come back as "M" as she was in the previous ones in the 90's.

The story was just an epic story. So many twists and turns, so many moments where it draws you in and really getting glued to the film. I really don't think this story could of been any better, was already a run-time at 2hrs 30 minutes so they included a lot of story yet also filled with a ton of action scenes to keep you hooked.

Soundtrack was also amazing to listen to throughout the film. Rather than having a renewed intro song, they had a whole new song entirely, which fit a little better. They did keep the classic sounding Bond music in and out of the film. But, at the end they had the classic scene where Bond shoots the screen then fills with blood then the classic Bond song.

I give, Casino Royale. _9/10_

Monday, December 12, 2011


Right before he graduated from High School his girlfriend dumps him, leaving for a not so happy graduation. Scott then hangs around online, meeting a girl, who his friend thinks is a dude from Germany. Scott falls madly in love with this girl then, Cooper gives him the brilliant idea to just go to Europe and seek out this girl. Scott and Cooper leave to go backpacking and soon meet up with the twins, Jenny and Jamie who were already in Europe and decide to go with them on this quest to find her. Along the travels they meet up with some very hardcore football fans and get stupidly drunk with them. They end up taking a very long train ride where they meet some older guy in a white suit who is all to friendly. More mishaps and odd things happen while on there way to Germany.

As the poster says, from the producers of, Road Trip and Old School, while watching it (not knowing this) I saw quite a few similarities between the three movies, basically the old traveling from Road Trip, and the funny and smart humor from Old School, mix it with some teens and Europe and you get, EuroTrip.

The acting was decent to say the least, wasn't anything to outstanding but it didn't fall flat either. Most the actors you may be able to recognize with the exception of a few.

Story was good, though it sounded and looked very familiar, it was still pretty good, left laughing from start to finish. Humor was also the huge reason why it was so funny, a lot of stupid and outrageous humor throughout the whole film, getting even funnier towards the end, there wasn't a moment where it wasn't funny, well maybe a few, but that's it.

Giving everything that went odd in the film, it was a pretty funny film.

I give, EuroTip. _7/10_

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Core

When the earth's core begins to become unstable, causing vicious lighting storms, holes in the ozone layer, and massive earthquakes, a team of 6 scientist's are rushed to help "jump start" the core by going in a very large ship capable of reaching the core, with a very powerful laser able to cut anything in its path. As the team reaches closer to the core, they discover a massive "crystal grand canyon". All along the crew start dying one by one, as they discover that there original plan wasn't going to work, they must hop aboard a single compartment to release the bomb one at a time, forcing at least one member to be sacrificed.

Tried to not give away to much away with the plot, but seeing as this film came out in 2003, I'm sure a lot of people saw it. Surprisingly the film had a decent plot, a lot of good actors, but failed to have a solid soundtrack throughout the film.

Plot was strong, and believable, but the only thing is I don't think there is a ship able to withstand the heat from the core, but in this film they managed to pull it off. Film had enough plot twist's and good acting to keep me watching till the end. There was a lot of good actors playing there part pretty good and solid. Film had a run-time of a little over 2hours which meant there was a good amount they crammed in there for a good strong story.

The only thing I didn't like ( well two) was that time jumped fairly fast in the film, all of a sudden 1 month went by or 3 days, I think they could of had another 30-40 minutes of film to help fill in the gaps. But that aside, the story was still strong.

Soundtrack was so so. I swore a track played during one of the more suspenseful moments was played in Ghostbusters, just a coincidence I'm sure. Most of the music was good, though to me, felt a little short and not so good with the scenes that were taking place. Oh well. The CGI was also pretty good, although for some of the bigger scenes, it looked kind of crappy.

This film is also based on the novel of the same name which would explain the time jumps, just to help speed up the story. I'm sure the novel is greatly better.

Overall this was an OK film.

I give, The Core. _6/10_

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Batman and Robin go around saving Gotham City, but when they find a submarine suddenly disappear, they learn of it's riddle. Four of worst criminals are on the loose and have decided to team up. Riddler, Catwoman, The Penguin, and The Joker are all there to take down Batman and Boy Wonder. Both are on the chase after they learn the villains are going to deploy missile's and destroy which ever county they targeted. Batman and Robin have a device which makes the missiles blow up in midair, and save the day. The Villains decide to kidnap the richest person in town, Bruce Wayne. Catwomen poses a Russian and tricks Bruce Wayne into getting trapped and Kidnapped. When the Villains start losing hope, they and up getting a device which dehydrates a person. They plain on using that device to capture the worlds leaders from 8 different countries. Batman and Robin race after them to try and stop them.

Wow, this was quite the dorky batman film, but, since it's based after the series, explains alot. There was quite a bit of Villains in the film, my favorite being, The Joker then The Riddler.

The Villains in the film is, The Riddler, The Joker, Catwoman, The Penguin. Seems almost to much for Batman and Robin, but they do somehow get threw it.

The soundtrack of the film was quite dorky, being made in the 60's really shows with the music they made, though they could of made it darker, but why bother. This version was suppose to be light and not so dark, but semi-serious.

Acting in the film was quite good, even though Boy Wonder would say the dorkiest things like, "Holy Polaris, Batman!" which was said in the film. Boy Wonder would say many of those little puns throughout the film, but it was funny and didn't hurt the film. Adam West played Batman just perfect, despite him very conveniently having a device or spray for a specific weapon you wouldn't think he'd have.  Burt Ward played Robin (Boy Wonder) and was pretty good at it, looked just like the comic version.

The story was also pretty good, even though there was 4 villains working together, you wouldn't think The Joker would work with anyone, but in this film 4 of them did and worked out pretty good. All four villains seemed to have a never ending pile of weapons, that was never said how they came to get it, but, oh-well.

All of Batman's vehicles were driven in the film, which were, Batcycle, Batboat, Batcopter. I loved how Batman stored his Batcopter in the airport's hanger, leaving it way to open for someone to rig it, but didn't happen, so he got lucky.

All together this was a pretty fun entertaining film to watch. I did hear this film was suppose to be made first, then the series to tie it all together, but they made the film after the first season. But it all worked.

I am kind of surprised they didn't make a sequel sometime after the series ended, would of been nice to see them again in another film. 

I give, Batman. _7/10_

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Buddy was one day in an orphanage on the night of Christmas, when Santa Clause came in, and Buddy snuck into the sack and went away to the North Pole. Jump 30 years later now Buddy thinks he is an Elf, and find out the horrible truth that he is not an Elf and papa elf told him where to go. Buddy now travels to New York in search of his real father, Walter. Soon Buddy finds him and Walter takes him into his home to meet his wife and son. Buddy gets a job at, Gimbels where there he meets, Jovie another employee there, and Buddy and Jovie start to hit it off. When Santa comes to town, he nearly crashes and Buddy sees this and helps Santa find the engine to his slay before the cops get to him all while trying to spread Christmas cheer!

First holiday film I've watched this year! Yet this film just doesn't fail to make you laugh. The story is pretty dorky but solid, and the acting isn't all that bad, with a soundtrack that's holiday music.

Pretty much all the actors in the film you may recognize or may not, only the case with just a few people. Actors such as, Will Ferrell, James Caan, Bob Newhart, Zooey Deschanel, that's to just name a few.

The story was pretty good, at least it was all original and not just another elf movie.I don't think the script could of gotten any more dorky, but it was all funny so, it was good.

The soundtrack to the film was mostly all Christmas themed music which was good, since Christmas is just weeks away. Did set a nice tone for the film.

I give, Elf. _7/10_

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Matrix Reloaded

Neo finds himself slightly on edge after having a dream that worries him, he then seeks out the help of the Oracle for further info about this dream, the Oracle sends him to the keymaker, who is with, The Merovingian who is a very dangerous person, who is keeping the Keymaker hostage. Morpheous, Trinity and Neo leave to rescue the keymaker. Meanwhile back at Zion, the Machines are preparing to start a war with nearly one million machines and slaughter all the people at Zion. The military at Zion prepare to goto war, all while a few other captains go on the hunt to find the Nebuchadnezzar who is stranded and need help before the Machines get to them first. Towards the end we find that Neo can use his Matrix like powers in the real world to stop a bunch of Machines but winds up in a coma.

Can we say awesome? The much anticipated sequel is what the fans were waiting for. Great story, an amazing acting, and a fantastic effects that would make even Avatar worry. 

All past actors from the previous return (minus the ones who died) and just make the Matrix that much more epic! 

The soundtrack was mostly techno/rock music which was awesome and fit the entire movie. Storyline wise, was a pretty solid story sneaking in some pretty good twists and turns to make you sit on the edge of your seat. The 2 hours flew by with this one.

This film did end with a big cliffhanger leaving the audience going "whoa" that was my reaction when I saw it in theaters, but no worry as after the credits they give you a minute sneak preview into the 3rd and final Matrix film. 

This does make for quite the solid sequel and in many ways surpasses the original film, which is what I think sequels are suppose to do. Not make people forget about the 1st, but make it so people still watch it, but leaving you wanting much more. 

I give, Matrix Reloaded. 9/10

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

40 Year Old Virgin

Andy works at SmartTech, he is a lonely 40 year old who collects a lot of figurines, comics, video games, and loves survivor. When his co-workers are looking for another to play poker with, they invite Andy to the poker game. Soon, David, Jay, Cal, discover that Andy is a virgin. They decide to make it there mission to make him no longer a virgin. Andy just kind of goes with it and the adventure begins. The group bring Andy to a speed dating service only to meet some weird chicks. Then on to a nightclub where Andy gets stupidly drunk and high then Andy starts getting more loose. They trap him into a lounge with a porno playing, and locking him in. After Andy doesn't like any of that, he meets, Trish a girl that's around Andy's age that works at, "We Sell Your Stuff on Ebay" store. The two hit it off and begin going on dates. Still Andy's friends want him to have sex with "Hoodrats" before doing her, so he's not bad at sex. Andy and his friends go to a bachelorette party, and Andy hooks up with a girl, and nearly dies, and gladly says no to sex. More crazy adventures happen, all while dating Trish.

Wow, this film I have to say is my absolute favorite adult comedy of all time. Yes, I loved it that much.

The acting was just amazing, the script was done perfectly. The humor was so funny, my stomach was hurting from laughing to much during the film. The film was humorous from start to finish, and ending on a musical note.

All the actors were just great, there was only around one or two actors I didn't recognize, which is good! Not many twists or anything like that, but, this film will make you laugh your ass off!! Soundtrack to the film was all dorky music (yes, I did buy the soundtrack) which was good, as it all fit the movie perfectly.

I honestly can't say anything wrong with this film, runtime of alittle over 2hours, so, 2 hours of a perfect adult comedy. They did (after was released in theaters) release a unrated version, which had 17 minutes of even more film, which made the movie that much more funny, yet critics thought it wasn't as funny as the theatrical version, I beg to differ.

Again I say this was the funniest adult comedies I have ever seen, and I've seen quite a bit of them. This film should not be missed if you love comedies and slightly over the top humor. Favorite part was the waxing scene.

I give, 40 Year Old Virgin. _10/10_ Just a perfect comedy.

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Frank ( i guess) is your average guy (somewhat) he works as a fry cook at some restaurant and is married. Not long after, his wife leaves him for some pimp type of guy. He has a mental breakdown and decides to go on a Personal journey and discovers that he will be a super-hero. But, before that happens he thinks that god is talking to him and planting the idea in his head. He goes to the comic book store for more ideas and meets a worker, Libby who helps him create his character. He then creates his alter-ego, The Crimson Bolt, who uses very violent ways to stop crime, like hitting someone in the face with a very big wrench. Going around posting pictures of himself saying "Shut up, Crime". After trying to get his girlfriend back the girl, Libby discovers his other identity and wants in on the action, she becomes, Boltie. The two go around town stopping crime, all leading up to the final battle where, Crimson and Boltie go to, Jacques home and try to win over his ex-wife.

Well, I don't know why I have a fascination of these, "Real life superhero" films but, they get better with each one, sometimes.

The story was pretty strong but not so great, guy meets girl, girl dumps him, guy goes crazy and tries to win her back. Okay, somewhat good.

There were some good twists in this film, mainly towards the end when things really started getting good. The film did keep my attention, but the end of the film was where it was at. Soundtrack was almost not apparent, some songs could be heard but mainly it was a dark and quiet film, not a bad thing, I'm sure there was more music played during it, but nothing outstanding like most.

Acting was fairly decent, with most of the actors you may know, like, Rainn Wilson, Ellen Page, Liv Tyler, Kevin Bacon. Yes there were more actors in it, but those were the ones that stuck out the most. My favorite was Ellen Page's character, Libby was just a very odd person.

This was an IFC film, which would explain the lower budget, but none the less, it was still a film you should check out if you like those "real life super-hero" films.

I give, Super. _7/10_

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The Darjeeling Limited

Francis Whitman has called his brothers to meet him on a secret mission that will challenge them in every way. Peter and Jack Whitman start to get a little confused as to what his plains are, but just go along anyways. Jack has a slight fling with a cute Indian girl on a train, while on the train Peter tries to get rid of massive headaches, and Francis is getting in info from a friend that no one has met. Soon along the train ride, it becomes clear that Francis mission is getting his brothers to go see there mother who became a nun in India. All along there travels through various parts of India, they buy a very poisonous snake, some very strong pepper-spray. They encounter some kids trying to cross a river with strong current, and kids fall in, and they race to save them. There adventure continues and they finally arrive to see there Mother.

What an odd film, but pretty good. All the acting was pretty good, with a decent story that keeps you wondering where the film is going until the one reveals his intent.

Soundtrack to the film was mainly just Indian music, which sounded pretty good, some of it being the disco sounding music which still sounded good.

During the film, you see various parts of India, so you got to see many, many part of the country. Very nice looking country.

The plot to the film was very good, leaving you the mystery of what the hell is the film about, till around an hour in, not a bad thing, kept my attention. Film had just enough twists and turns to make this a wonderful film. As part of a feature, they included the short film, Hotel Chevalier, which is only around 15 minutes long, and tells the story of, Jack Whitman staying at a hotel, and suddenly gets a surprise call from fling, or lover, Natalie Portman, in the short film they didn't give her a name. Takes place in 24 hours and it's just Jack and the girl spending the night together and having fun. Then the film starts.

They did play the short film right before the film in festivals, then it was available on i-Tunes then removed from i-Tunes, to play the short film in a theatrical release. 

Overall this film was done very good with good acting, decent plot and a good soundtrack.

I give, The Darjeeling Limited. _7/10_

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Griff works in a office worker in the shipping department, he is quite awkward and is constantly getting picked on by the other workers. At night he puts on his costume and roams his neighborhood looking for evil, he's in contact with the police commissioner and knows where crime is happening. Not soon later he brother starts to catch on to him. Griff also things he can become invisible. He then soon meets a girl who thinks she can run through walls, they make a good weird pair. Much later Griff is faced with a very hard choice, and must choose.

Yep, short plot as most of what I was going to is a big spoiler, so sorry for the small plot.

I can say the story was very well done, leaving a good amount of twists and turns and good acting. The cast was a good choice, though I only recognized the one actor, which isn't a bad thing in this film as the other "unknown" actors to me, were pretty good actors, despite there short camera time.

The soundtrack was alright, kind of a dorky tune throughout the whole film, but, pretty good.

This is 100% an Australian film, doesn't hurt the film, nice to see some new scenery, and finally an original film. This film I believe came out October 2010, but not for another year here in the U.S. Not that big of a deal, but I saw the trailer last year and kept waiting impatiently for this film.
The wait was worth it, every bit of it.

I give, Griff the Invisible. _8/10_

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Frankenstein Syndrome/ Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Group of scientist's decide to use illegal stem-cell research to bring back the dead, only for a few of there experiments to go horribly wrong.

That has to be the shortest plot I've said yet. Wow.

This film wasn't all that bad, just wasn't that great. Acting was fairly decent, just not good, the effects were "ok". The plot was actually good though, putting a new twist on a very old classic. I give, The Frankenstein Syndrome. 5/10.

Dr. Jekyll is a well known doctor, after going over sea's to an island, he takes a plant sample with him to use on himself to experiment with, after it goes wrong, he becomes two people, the other being, Mr. Hyde. When murders start happening he starts having flash backs and learns that he is the one responsible, and is working around the clock to isolate the compound and create a cure before he does more murders. 

Another old classic putting a new spin on things, Acting was actually fairly good, with only a few weird moments. The plot was very well done, with actors you might know. I found that this was actually a made for TV film, which explained why some of the transitions were like TV. I watched both films on demand. 
 I give, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 6/10

Monday, October 3, 2011

Batman: Under the Red Hood

Batman is on the run to, Robin when the Joker has him tied up and beaten, and has pulled the timer to the bombs, Batman fails to make it in time, causing, Robin to die. Few months pass, Batman still doing his crime fighting, when a new enemy appears, calling himself, Red Hood. Red Hood is trying to take over all the crime in Gotham City, which seemed to work. Batman's first sidekick, Nightwing comes to help aid Batman when Amazo tries to kill him, only to learn that, Amazo was sent to, Red Hood. After learning of Red Hoods true self, Red Hood gets in a fight counting on Batman coming. Batman confronts Red Hood, but being Red Hood, he escapes and captures the Joker, forcing Batman to make a choice, him, or the Joker.

This was a pretty entertaining animated film. This is really the first animated Batman film I've seen, I have watched the animated series when I was younger, but that was it.

Voice acting was pretty good as well. Bruce Greenwood provided the voice of, Batman and played it pretty good. Jensen Ackles played, Red Hood, who also was pretty good. Others were, John DiMaggio as the Joker, Neil Patrick Harris as, Nightwing.

Animation was I guess standard looking, but, pretty good looking. This was alittle dark, seemed there was a lot of, blood and violence for an animated film, but made it good, and darker.

The few twists and turns that were in it made it entertaining to watch. Only thing I wished was better was, a longer run time. Was only 1hr 15mins. Which isn't bad, but I could see it being, 1hr 45mins, having more story and, what ever they wanted to put in it. But, not bad.

I give, Batman: Under the Red Hood. 7/10

 *edit* I won't be adding two more animated film reviews, only the 3 live action films. 

Batman and Robin

Mr. Freeze and his thugs have frozen a jewelry store in the hopes of find a really big diamond. Batman and Robin storm in and stir it up, only to for Robin to get frozen and have, Mr. Freeze and his thugs escape with the diamond. Not long later, Alfred has a niece, Barbara Wilson. Who came over to free Alfred from being a butler. Only to find that Alfred has a rare disease and he's slowly dieing. Dr. Pamela Isley was working in her lab, when she walked into a room that she wasn't meant to go in, and saw something she shouldn't of. After, Dr. Jason Woodrue talks to Pamela he just, kills her, cause he doesn't want the secret getting out. Just a day or so later, all the chemicals that were dumped on Pamela turned her into, Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy and, Bane become a team to take down, Batman and Robin, only to team up with, Mr. Freeze. Alfred leaves behind a disc for his Brothers eyes only, but, Barbara being nosey hacks into the disc and learns of who Batman and Robin is, and very soon later, she becomes, Batgirl. She proves that she knows how to fight, and now, Batman, Robin and Batgirl all team up to take down, Mr.Freeze, Poison Ivy and Bane. While trying to convince Mr. Freeze to help him in finding the cure to save, Alfred.

This was the 2nd worse Batman film, of all time. The soundtrack wasn't that bad, but, The only song I liked was the very intro song, which was the same for the last one to, more of a failed soundtrack. For some reason, like the last film, the thugs looked that they needed to rave, glow in the dark paints, and black light effects make the thugs look like crap.

The story wasn't all that bad ( no it was). But, we did get to see, Bane, which was just, outrageous if you ask me, and he for some reason could only say a few words. My favorite to watch on screen was, Poison Ivy played by, Uma Thurman who played it pretty good, and kinda, demented, in a hot way. Arnold Schwarzenegger played, Mr. Freeze and well, it could of been worse, but it could of been alot better.

Chris O'Donnell comes back to reprise his role as, Robin, and a new custom. Robin's custom is really the only cool one. Sadly, George Clooney decides to try to be Batman, and well, just fails.

Again like the previous film, the effects are way over the top, and made Gotham City out to be this HUGE city, that only looks unreal. I think they could of easily of found a better director with this film, and the previous one.

I give, Batman and Robin. 3/10

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Took a short break from the Batman films, to watch a spin-off. Don't worry, the other Batman reviews will be soon.

Patience Phillips works a cosmetics company called, Hedare Beauty who is making a new lotion for your face, to help reverse aging. When Patience is at the company to deliver a new design she see's something she shouldn't of, and well, they kill her. When she's washes up to shore a bunch of cats that are special give her powers, since they see her as a worthy person to be, Catwoman. She soon realizes that she has heightened awareness, cat like seeing, catlike refelxes, and well, nearly everything like a cat. She decides to go after the people who killed her, only for Catwoman to be framed for murder, a few times. She then faces off with the killers that killed her previous body.

Well, two words. "It sucked". They could of made this into such a better film than this piece of garbage.

The soundtrack was pretty lame, couldn't think of anything to say about the soundtrack other than lackluster and...crap.

Acting was everything but good, crappy lines. Good actors playing in the worst film in there film history, and this film could be the reason no one will hire them for anything else.

Another thing I had a wtf moment was, that this is a whole new version of Catwoman. It's not, Selina Kyle. They decided to make it, where these "special" cats have powers, and over time, give women that they find worthy to have the same powers. No, That's where i was like, w...t...f. 

C.G.I was over the top and VERY unnecessary. They really should of tried to had a stunt woman or train Halle Berry to do her own stunts, on maybe wire-work, or none at all, rather than have a CG version of her 70% you saw her on screen.

I did very much look forward to the credits when they rolled on. This film is not worth buying/seeing in theater/NOTHING. I watched it cause it was a Cinemax on demand.

I give, Catwoman. 2/10. Making this, the worst film I've reviewed.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Megamind is a very intelligent alien, after his home was being blown up, his parents sent him to earth, only to be raised in a prison, and after being laughed at his whole life, he decides to become an evil mastermind. But when evil raises, so shall a hero, his name is, Metro Man, who for many years picked on Megamind and became his enemy. When Megamind decides to try to kill Metro Man for the 1,000 times, this time, it actually worked. After Megamind rose to fame after the kill, months later he became very bored, and lonely. He then decides to create a super-hero just so he was someone to battle. He creates a Super-Hero names, Titan. Only to find out after training him that Titan want's to be evil, and is more powerful and evil than Megamind and the city looks to Megamind to try to stop him.

Gotta say, This was actually a pretty decent film. Granted it's a kiddy movie, but, It was funny to watch.

The action scenes were pretty good, with some really good CGI, to make even the smoke and clouds/fire look very realistic, very detailed all the ruble was when a building was destroyed.

Voice acting was well done as well. Actors would be. Will Ferrel, Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill. All doing a pretty good job at selling the character there portraying. Soundtrack was also pretty good, mostly being played is 80's rock music, which I liked, and kinda fit the scene.

Overall this was a good entertaining film, nothing really wrong about it, just wish it was a little longer, with it only being around a hour and 20minutes which for some reason is the standard for animated films.

I give, Megamind. 7/10

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Batman Forever

A bank guard is taken off guard when Two-Face and his thugs decide to break in and hold him hostage in hopes of Batman showing up. Batman escapes the vault in which he gets trapped along with the guard after almost being boiled down to nothing, with acid. Bruce Wayne goes to Wayne Enterprises to check up on things when he meets a weird little person, Dr. Edward Nygma where he wants to show off his device that puts the show directly in the person head, rather than just watching it. But, it raises to many questions and Bruce says no to the idea. Soon after, Edward kills his boss after finding out he just got fired. Edward becomes, The Riddler using his newly made device to hook up to everyone's TV and steal dreams and everything in there head to Edward to learn the true identity of, Batman. When Bruce Wayne is at the circus with his new love interest, Dr. Chase Meridian, things go awful as they watch Two-Face go there and kill off a family of acrobats but one, Dick Grayson. After being now orphaned. Bruce agrees to take Dick in as a new house guest. Later on, The Riddler soon meets up with Two-Face and the two team up to take down Batman and learn who he is. Dick is running around the house, and after going into a room he shouldn't of been in, he learns Bruce's secret. Very soon later Dick becomes, Robin. And now Batman and Robin are out to take down, The Riddler and Two-Face, all trying to save, Chase Meridian.

Well, this film could of been a-lot worse than it was. But given all that happened, it was a little entertaining. The acting was well, over the top, and in some spots, bad. This one was more of the humorous side of the Batman films, and it almost didn't work.

Though this film did have some good things, like the good actors in it. Val Kilmer playing Batman, and to me, is the start of Batman's demise. Kilmer didn't do a bad job at playing the Dark Knight, but he was no wear near as good as Michael Keaton, or even. Adam West. Kilmer (to me) is the 2nd worst Batman ever to hit the big screen.

But then we see, Jim Carrey playing the way over the top, eccentric, Ridder. Was fun watching his performance going around, leaving little riddles for Batman to solve was the more entertaining part of the film, but yet, it still wasn't that great.

Then there's the very good actor being, Two-Face, Tommy Lee Jones. Another good actor playing a roll that really wasn't meant for him. He is a good actor, but to me his performance wasn't the best either. I did like that they showed maybe 4 minutes (if that) of how he became Two-Face, but that wasn't enough to save him.

Another good bit was seeing Robin being played by, Chris O'Donnell. To me, he actually looked as if he was meant for that part as, Robin. He was the 2nd person in the film, I actually enjoyed watching. And his new Robin suit to match Batman's was pretty cool looking.

The Batmobile is now resigned, but, very similar to the one before it, all they did was just tweak it and use a new model car is all. The effects were WAY over the top. Everything bout the film was, to much for what it was, and for some reason, the villains looked like they needed to go to a rave.

Another good thing I can say about it is the soundtrack. Though it's not composed by the previous composer, Danny Elfman. Now it's composed by, Elliot Goldenthal who did make a very good soundtrack, but the music seemed a little to, theatrical for the film, and almost not good.

But, this film wasn't that bad. But, it wasn't that great. With only around 3 things I actually liked about it.

I give, Batman Forever. 5/10

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Batman Returns

After being abandon by his parents when he was just a toddler, he is tossed into a river and floats downstream to who knows where. Jump 30's years later and we meet, Oswald Cobblepot who has been living in a sewer with his penguins and an army of people who work for him, he soon gets his name out when he ends up crashing the lighting of the Gotham Christmas Tree where Bruce Wayne learns of a new threat. Meanwhile, Max Shreck gets in a small little argument with an employee of his who forget to bring him his speech, and Max and Selina Kyle start talking and not long, he pushed her out of a window, and not to long later, she becomes, Catwoman. Oswald summons Max to his sewer and explains his plans to blackmail him or he'll go public on what he has done. Now Max is on the rise of being Mayor. Batman learns of Oswald's plans to use his penguins with are strapped with bombs, and spread around the city to destroy it, all while trying to learn more of this, Catwoman.

A perfect sequel to a very good beginning. The acting was fairly good, with a very strong story with two villains that are wickedly perfect to watch on screen.

Watching, Danny DeVito play the iconic, Penguin was just amazing to watch on screen. The prosthetic they used on him made him look very creepy and at the same time awesome. The only thing I wished he had on his attire is, The black top hat, black suit, and my favorite, the monocle. Would of been even better if they would of had just those few more items on him.

When they showed, Michelle Pfeiffer play, Catwoman. I was very, Very impressed at the sexy costume and how mentally twisted she became after being killed. She played a near perfect Catwoman. Just wished she had more screen time as Catwoman, Think she only had around 10 minutes total, maybe more. But, she still did a very good job.

Batman again as last time is played played by the same actor, Michael Keaton who to this day, is still my 2nd favorite Batman. I don't think they redesigned his costume, or Batmobile. Looked the same, and if they did the changes weren't that noticeable.

Soundtrack like last time was again, Incredible. Was done by the same composer, Danny Elfman. Who made another perfect soundtrack to the film. I still love the intro or, Theme song he composed. Perfect soundtrack.

I've gotta say, I like this sequel more than the previous one. Batman was very good and dark, but this one just is better in my opinion.

I give, Batman Returns. 8/10

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011


A new criminal is on the rise in the great city of, Gotham. Jack Napier is only 2nd in command, but after being sent to a chemical plant to get something, he was tricked in to going as the cops have a shoot to kill on him. When Batman and Jack have a little fight, Jack falls as Batman was unable to save him, and Jack falls into a pool of what looks like green acid. Afterwards, Vicki Vale is sent on the mission to investigate a "Batman" going around saving people and tying criminals up. Soon Vicki goes to a party held by, Bruce Wayne, the two meet and start to like each other. Not long after Gotham City learns about a criminal who wants to be number 1, his name is, The Joker. Joker soon taints a whole bunch of random shampoo/lipstick/hairspray containers to make people look like him, and kill them. Batman's new mission is to try to find this Joker and stop him from killing the city.

This was a very entertaining Batman film. Was very dark, and the first Batman film to be dark. Which just made it near perfect, and one of the best Batman films out there!

Acting couldn't of been any better, Micheal Keaton as Batman was just a perfect match, he really did pull off the, bad ass, but a millionaire playboy at the same time. Jack Nicholson couldn't of played, The Joker any better, and is still my favorite Joker to watch on screen, as he's the first to be it on a big screen.

Soundtrack was done by who better, Danny Elfman. He makes some of the best soundtracks ever! Really creating a perfect, Super-Hero soundtrack and giving a new darker yet awesome theme song.

Would talk about the CGI, but there really wasn't much CGI, but the special effects were just amazing! Seeing Gotham City huge the way it was, was amazing. Watching Batman fly around in the Batplane was awesome to see. Even though that scene was only a few minutes.

This film was also criticized of being "to dark". As this was the first Batman film to be very dark and gritty, everyone was used to the 60's dorky yet awesome Batman show, so I could see how people would think it's to dark and different, but I think the darker a Super-Hero film is, the better it may be. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

I know, this is kind of late, being released a few weeks ago, BUT, i did see the day after it came out in theaters, I just was really busy.

Will Rodman is a scientist working at Gen-Sys who is trying to create the cure to Alzheimer's disease. He uses monkeys to test on. After testing on one chimp, who's IQ surpassed there expectations, the monkey ended up getting out of control the same day Will was supposed to show off how good the drug works, they ended up killing the monkey, and all other ones.The same monkey gave birth to a small little chimp, Will named him, Caesar. Will now is raising Caesar as a human. Will finds out that Caesar has the same drug they used on his mother in his genes, which makes him far more intelligent than all other apes.Will begins testing on a new formula to perfect it, and begin trials on humans, more specifically, his father. Charles Rodman is Will's father, and to Will's surprise, he gets better. Caesar ends up getting put in a monkey jail if you will, due to his outburst of anger toward one of Will's neighbors. Eventually Caesar escapes and brings back to all the other apes the formula to make them smarter and create a ape army.

What a fantastic film! The acting was very good, especially Andy Serkis's performance of, Caesar.The CGI was just amazing, the apes looked so real it was hard to tell that they were actually CGI. 

The soundtrack was amazing as-well, keeping the flow of the film, just a good soundtrack. Now, at first I thought this was a prequel to, Planet of the Apes, which I thought it was for awhile, until I read online that this doesn't really follow Planet of the Apes, very close, but not.

This film does leave is open to a few sequels which, in time, will happen. There plan was to reboot the Apes films, using CGI apes rather than people in Ape costumes. I am a big fan of the original films, and just loved how real it was and how it could actually happen if people let science get to out of control. Almost like a warning, of the ape kind.

This film really should not be missed, especially if you loved the original films, and was curious to see it with CGI apes. 

I give, Rise of the Planet of the Apes. 9/10 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cowboys And Aliens

Jack is a wanted outlaw, only problem is, he can't remember anything about the last few weeks. He wakes up in the desert very confused and found there's some kind of metal thing attached to his wrist. A few cowboys decide to bring him in, and get the reward, only he beat them all up, took there cloths and guns, and rode on horseback to the nearest town. When, Jack gets to town, it doesn't take long before trouble begins, he ends up beating up, Percy Dolarhyde, the son of a powerful person. The towns people find out who he is, and put him away in a jail cart thing. Colonel Woodrow Dolarhyde finds that his son has been arrested and tries to get him out. Right before the horse is about to take off, everyone notices weird flying objects in the sky and start bombing the town, and capturing people with long robotic arms. Jack escapes and uses his, metal device to shoot down the flying objects. The town arranges a team of people who decide to go after the ships, and get there people back. Jack still not knowing who he is, agree's to go with him to avoid getting arrested. After a few days of riding through the desert, they find a huge ship that has been upside in the middle of a desert. They decide to camp out in there for the night, only to wrestle an alien that's around 8 feet tall. When they leave, they find the alien's base of operation, something that's around 400 feet tall. They plan to blow it up, and try to gather the people that were captured. 

This is actually my first western film I have really ever seen, and of course when I do see one, there's aliens it in. This film was very epic. The acting was very good, and the soundtrack was the best so far. Story was fairly strong, being cowboys VS aliens, which was I think, the first in it's genre! 

The effects in the film were very good. Everything was good. Explosions/UFO's were very good looking. I only do wish that the aliens in the film looked more real, they kind of looked like CGI, not so much real, but still very good looking. 

This film does create a whole new genre of films. I could see other filmmakers do other type of film like this, but not the same, obviously. I'm just surpirsed it took this long for this kind of a film, but then, not really. This film did have alot of good actors that I just love. Daniel Craig is in my top favorite actors,  loved him as 007. Harrison Ford, just helps even sell this film more! Olivia Wilde was very good aswell, playing a ha! knew it kind of part. And just a whole bunch of other actors that you didn't know were in it till you see it. 

I give, Cowboys and Aliens, 8/10

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The Number 23

Walter is living kind of a dull life, but, he does have a wife, and a kid, on top of that, he is a dog catcher. When he and his wife are at a local book shop, his wife picks out the book, The Number 23, for Walters birthday. Walter soon really enjoys the book and starts to realize that the book and him, have a lot in common. He tries to track down the author, but no luck. He starts to have an obsession with the book, and now starts to see the number "23" everywhere he goes, weather it be, house number, or anything. He then starts to think that the book, is about him. The number 23 starts to eat away at him, and destroy his life. After consulting a doctor about it, he tells him it's nothing and just ignore it. Walter's wife finally after being nearly killed, tells him that he wrote the book, and the events in the book actually did happen, just a little embellished. He found that he had a whole other life, that after he tried killing himself, he lost his memory and started over.

This was a fairly decent film, despite what the critics say, I think we all know the phrase " Fuck what the critics have to say" don't we?.

This does mark the first time, Jim Carrey was in something other than comedy, and it wasn't that bad. Just wasn't the best film of his either.

Acting was ok, the actors/actress's you would actually recognize. The soundtrack was decent, with like a, crime/thriller style, wasn't the worst.

The premise of the film is revolving around the number, "23" which means say, on the 23 day something good or bad may happen if the number is haunting you. There are many stories revolving around it, and most are interesting to read. Makes you think if it's real, or just a bad coincidence.

All and all, this really wasn't that bad of a film. Just have to not think to hard about it.

I give, The Number 23, 6/10

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The Butterfly Effect 2

Nick is out at a camp/beach with his friends on the weekend for fun and what not. Nick gets a phone call about his job, which makes them all have to leave. While driving back, Nick slightly looses control of the car, right when they stop, a big semi slams into the car, killing all four people but, Nick. After being in the hospital for weeks, he gets to return home. Nick sees some old pictures from that night, after staring at it for a minute, weird things happen, and he transports himself to that night everyone died. He tries changing that night, well, it worked. He also goes back to change the outcome of his work, to help himself get promoted and get someone fired just selfish things. When things just start to not work right anymore, he goes back one last time to the night everyone died, to change things one last time.

Well, this was just an, "ok" film. This film didn't add anything new to the concept that the first already didn't. The acting was actually fairly crappy. Not one actor/actress in it, i recognized. Which doesn't help it at all.

The effects were pretty dull compared to the first one, he did get the nose bleed's to, but, just kind of sucked. Unlike the first one, this guy goes back to help change his past for personal gain, and that's it, which made me not like him so much as the first film. He was very much selfish.

The only thing I really liked, was the fact that this was another Butterfly Effect film, and I love the theory of it all, but this one just sucked alot.

I give, Butterfly Effect 2. 5/10

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The Butterfly Effect

After going through a pretty messed up childhood, which included, killing, child pornography, a ton of fighting and a crazy father, Evan has to ( at around 10 ) write down memories as he tends to black out alot, and forgets the last hour or so. Jump to his mid 20's and now he's doing perfect in college and went nearly 10 years without having a blackout. After hooking up with a chick, she makes him read a memory from one of his diary books. After reading some of it, things get weird, and he blacks out, and gets a bad nose bleed. After wondering what all went down, he went on reading it by himself, and found that he has the power to read his own memory and go back to the past ( for who knows how long ) and change it, to make it better. Each time he does this, something drastic happens, whether it be, the loss of this arms, the changing of a friends behavior, or the death of a very close loved one. He goes back to try to fix things, only to find that you fix one thing, and something else happens.

Well, the film might of been a little slow in the beginning, but damn, was this an epic film. Acting was at it's finest from all that were in the film. The story was so strong, I had wished there was another hour, just to show more of Evan trying to fix his past and future. The whole concept of going back to change one thing and break another is very strong in this film, hence the name.

The effects in the film were very slim, but there were some, mainly seeing the lead breaking from his world and going back to his kid self, or teenage self. There were 2 other actors that played Evan, one when he's around 8 the other around 16, both looking very much like Kutcher. They did a very good job and finding the kid actors to look like the older self.

The plot may be shorter since I didn't really want to spoil to much, since a ton of stuff went on that ( to me ) would be to much of a spoiler.

This film did spawn 2 sequels. But not one following the previous one, and well, not nearly as good as this one.

I give, Butterfly Effect. 8/10

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger

Steve Rogers has always wanted to be in the Army and help fight, but due to having a laundry list of medical problems, and being only 90 pounds, he's been rejected five times, but never gave up trying to get in.
 After meeting, Dr. Abraham Erskine he gets the chance to become a "super solider" and help them fight in the war. After the experiment, He soon becomes, Captain America, but with the rise of a Hero, must come the rise of a villain.
    Johann Schmidt is in command of the organization, HYDRA,   who is searching for a mythical power said to be hidden on the earth, which holds unimaginable power. 
   Captain America soon finds out that his friend was in a mission where most got killed which sends him over seas to do a search and rescue mission, after finding hundreds of supposedly dead soliders he meets, Red Skull. The two face off, somewhat, and now Captain America know's that he must try to defeat Red Skull before he plans on destroying many major cities. 

Can we say amazing? Because Captain america was the best marvel film I've seen since I first saw, Spider-Man in theaters. Granted all the Marvel films were good, with the exception of a few, like, Daredevil. Over the years Marvel films have been getting better and this one, is the best one in my opinion. 

The story was very strong and very interesting, as it took place during WWII and it had a lot of actual historical references in it like, HYDRA and trying to use mythological powers to try to win. The story didn't have any holes or any weak points. Very well done story.

The acting couldn't of been better! All the actors in the film did a very good job at portraying the part, I especially like that we got to see, Howard Stark, and his, World of Tomorrow. It was amazing to see. Chris Evans as Captain America was very good, I couldn't really see another actor play him as good, I really loved the costume design, and well, seeing him throw his shield was epic. Hugo Weaving playing, Red Skull looked incredibly like the comic book version. I didn't see any CGI on him, so I guessed that they used prosthetic's on his face to make more of a realistic look.

This was just a great film to see. Soundtrack wise was also epic. They really did a wonderful job at putting together fantastic music to a fantastic film. I'm thinking about buying the soundtrack, I liked it that much. The effects were very well done. Seeing laser guns and laser tanks, and very awesome flying machine was very cool looking. Seeing the shield beeing thrown like a boomerang was exciting to watch.

I must say, if your a fan of Captain America or a Marvel fan, or just a super-hero fan, this film shouldn't be missed, alot of good acting, crazy good CGI, and a very good soundtrack, kept me almost on the edge of my seat. 

There also is a end-credit scene, which I never talk about cause it's to much of a spoiler, but this is the only exception I'll make as, it's not a spoiler. At the end you get the see a 30second teaser trailer to, The Avengers, which comes out, May 2012. I am very much looking forward to it. 

I give, Captain America. 8/10