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Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Hangover Part II

The Wolfpack is back together again, but this time, they travel to Bangkok.
This time around, Stu is getting married, the women is from Thailand so, they decide to have the wedding in there, but after a night of just having "one beer", they end up in Bangkok, with no memory of what all happened, they find a monkey, run into an old flame, and loose a friend again, and a whole lot of crazy stuff happens when trying to get back home. Few of the crazy things that happen are riots/tattoos/monkey/speed boat on land?.

This movie was just great, the humor in this movie was actually a little darker and much more crazy than the first one, but then, there trying to top the first one, and well, they 100. The best thing is, the cast is back again, just made the movie that much better, and that they went to a whole other country! bigger movie means more crazy stuff happening. 

This movie will just leave you going, wow...this movies crazy. The only thing I'm wondering is, if they will make a part 3, the first didn't leave you with any type of cliffhanger and this one didn't either, but doesn't mean there won't be a third one. Fingers crossed. 

I Give Hangover 2, 8/10

Friday, May 27, 2011

Firefox 4 vs Chrome vs IE8 part 4

Alright, I've been switching between both, Firefox and Chrome, and well, I've had it with Chrome, lack of features, no ad-ons, nothing really special about it, it's a fail from google. I love it when, the flash just stops working, and freezes the one tab, but nothing else, and, when you type a website before it's done loading, it just won't work.

Firefox just knows how to do it, and keeps getting better with every update, so, fuck you Google Chrome.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hannibal Rising

Finally, we can start at the beginning. 

Hannibal is around 8 or 9 years old, when planes and tanks start destroying everything. Hannibal's parents take him and his sister to a safe house, not soon after, a tank filled with thieves come and kill the mother, while a flying over head plane starts shooting and kills the father. They soon kill the younger sister due to starvation. Cut to around 9 years later, where Hannibal escapes the orphanage (once his home) and seeks out his Aunt. He then tracks down the people who ate his sister. 

Despite the bad reviews, this movie was actually pretty good. We get to see all the events that changed him into the monster that he is. Also get to see his first kill, everything. Story line wise, it's pretty good and strong, this movie did keep me very much interested. 

Acting was not so bad, I really liked the person they chose to play, young Hannibal Lecter. 

The actor does play a pretty convincing younger Hannibal, which was pretty good. Seeing him slowly change into a monster was done nicely. The score of the film wasn't that bad, but when I said that a kind of dorky song played during a not so dorky scene. Oh well. 

This does conclude the series, which is actually (chronological) the first one. Also, my last review of May. Reviews will return June 1st.

I give Hannibal Rising, 7/10

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I won't be including list of cast members anymore, just makes it go faster. 

Red Dragon

Red Dragon, a prequel to Silence of the Lambs.

Will Graham is retired FBI agent after finding out who thinks, could be the cannibal. After getting attacked by Hannibal he the retires and moves on. Years later the FBI contacts him when a new killer appears called, The Tooth Fairy, he decides to help them, and when doing so, he goes to Hannibal to seek advice on who The Tooth Fairy is.

Set 10 years before the events of Silence of the Lambs, when Hannibal is still working for the FBI. This movie made for one pretty epic prequel.

As like before, Hannibal is still in his cell, offering the FBI his help, in exchange for what ever. Red Dragon has a pretty good list of cast members, another reason I wanted to watch it.

Edward Norton ( Will Graham )
Ralph Fiennes (  Francis Dolarhyde )
Anthony Hopkins ( Hannibal Lecter ) 

Harvey Keitel ( Jack Crawford )

We got to see a very good performance from Ralph Fiennes as well from Edward Norton. Story line was very strong and just amazing. Made me glued till the credits. Didn't actually think it was going to be this good, and was blown away.  Music like before was pretty good to, though one scene was kind of over kill, but, was just one scene. 

Since this is a prequel, we didn't see Agent Starling, which is fine, but the movie ended with Hannibal asking who the women's agent name is, which was a dead give away to the first one. 

There is another movie called, Manhunter, which is based on the novel Red Dragon, which came out before Silence of the Lambs, another reason why I thought this was a remake, but it's not. Since I reviewed this one, there is no need for a review on Manhunter, since it will be the same story, just older and different actors. I may watch it though, to compare. 

I give, Red Dragon. 9/10

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Dr. Lecter is loose? Roaming around Italy? It will get ugly soon. 
10 years after the events from when he escapes, we find Dr. Lecter ( Hannibal ) loose in Italy where he is trying to be owner or manager of a huge Library or Church. Clarice Starling is now on the head of the FBI force, and has been on a leave due to a shoot out that turned ugly. An FBI agent in Italy learns of Lecters whereabout's and see's the pretty nice reward for his capture. Chief Inspector Renaldo Pazzi (Italy agent) goes to pursue Hannibal. While back in the US, Mason Verger is also on the hunt for Hannibal as a revenge scheme, to see Hannibal tortured and killed. Now Agent Starling is on the hunt for Hannibal to. Time is running out to see who will get him first.

This sequel was almost a disappointment. We did get to see Hannibal doing his very nasty Cannibal side. Kind of sick, but now we get to see more of what he is.  Unfortunately Jodi Foster does not return to play her old role, which was a let down. Instead we have,  Julianne Moore as Starling. She is a good actress, don't get me wrong, but to me, she wasn't the right fit for the role of, Starling. 

Sequel comes with more gruesome scenes?  Yes it does, alot more. We see really big hogs tear apart a few people in the end, with Hannibal cutting off an agents top of skull and picking out some of the brain and feeding it to the victim, who is still alive! Pretty twisted and sick. The sickest being the very end scene, but, that's to much of a spoiler. 

This is worthy of being a good sequel, but it did lack in more than one place. Oh well. You may still very much like it if your a fan of Hannibal Cannibal Lecter. 

I give Hannibal, 7/10

Monday, May 23, 2011

Silence of the Lambs

F.B.I agent, Clarice Starling starts to investigate Buffalo Bill, a murderer who skins his victims, The FBI decides to have her talk to known cannibal, Hannibal Lector, for advise about finding out who Buffalo Bill is, and where to find him. We slowly get to see how evil Lector is, and how disturbing Bill is. 

First off, this movie was quite disturbing, not so much as scary, but disturbing. We got to see just how sick and twisted Buffalo Bill is, and a sneak at how twisted Lector is to. The story is quite strong, with good actors and gruesome scenes, made this a very dark and twisted movie.

Silence of the lambs had some pretty good actors playing there part perfectly. They include, 
Jodie Foster (Jodie Foster)
Anthony Hopkins ( Dr. Hannibal Lecter)
Scott Glenn (Jack Crawford)
Ted Levine (Jame "Buffalo Bill" Gumb)
Anthony Heald (Frederick Chilton)
Hopkins plays his character so good, that it made me actually think, he was sick and twisted, but just a role he plays, some went for Levine's character, just extremely sick and twisted.
Took me awhile, but I finally sat down and watched it. I meant to watch this movie awhile ago, but just never did.
This week is a 4 part review (like last week) This is review 1 of 4. Number 2 being added Tuesday

I give Silence of the Lambs, 8/10

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Time for yet another Pirates film, and well, Here's my review.
Jack Sparrow is impersonating a judge, who has Gibbs who they think is Sparrow. Jack convinces the jury that he should get a life sentence rather than death, and they both escape only for them to get fooled. Gibbs is by himself, and Jack is now being ordered around by King George to find this, Fountain of Youth, for Barbossa who know works for King George. Jack then ends up getting drugged and put onto Blackbeard's ship as a prisoner. Blackbeard wan'ts Jacks help in finding the Fountain of Youth. They encounter Zombies and Mermaids along the way. All working so perfect together. 

I was pretty impressed at how perfect this movie was, I really didn't think the fourth one would be good, since over the years, the more sequels there are the weaker they get, BUT, with this one, seems to be the best pirates movie to date!
Only a few people from the past movies reprise there roles, which is no problem, but it would have been nice to see more than just a few, the main cast consist's of, 
Penélope Cruz as Angelica
Ian McShane as Blackbeard
Geoffrey Rush as Captain Hector Barbossa
Kevin McNally as Joshamee Gibbs
I also love how with each movie, the mythology grows and shows alot more of odd things. which is just awesome!
With many other's make it a pretty good cast, despite having almost none of the original actors in it, oh well. Like with the others the music was done pretty good. The effects were just awesome, epically with the way they did the mermaids. Also Blackbeard's ship was just huge, and so epic looking. 
They really did a good job and making this a very good and worth sequel to continue the story.

I give, On Stranger Tides, 8/10

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Like the Matrix? Well, you will love this short film!

Kaydara is a guy that is almost as strong as, The One (Neo). A bounty is put on The One's head, for a massive reward, some other hunters try to kill Kaydara thinking that he's The One. After some pretty impressive explosive scenes, Kaydara enters The Matrix where he believes The One is. Kaydrara comes face to face with The One, and the fight is pretty epic! Now it's Kaydara Vs. The One.

Oh my! This short film with a runtime of just 55minutes long, is pretty epic!

The Effects are just amazing, considering it's a short fan film. The acting is decent, not the greatest, but not bad at all. The story is pretty good as well.

Set I'm guessing sometime after the 3rd Matrix Film. I like how other people decided to put a bounty on The One's head. Only thing is, they never really said why, but maybe that's up to you?

I did love the fight between Kaydara and The One. At first look I thought it was a really good look-a-like, but then after watching it a little more, I found that The One, is actually a full CGI model. Was very impressive looking. Unfortunately we did not hear The One speak one word, which is no problem, but, he should of at-least something.

Kaydara premiered online today, on Daily Motion at first the pic, to me, looked like a video game, and was very impressed that it was based around the Matrix! So, watch it!

I couldn't find a Wikipedia page, or IMDB link, only the webpage, so I gave you guys the link!
Since I'm a huge Matrix Fan, I will be watching the films again, and give my reviews on the 2nd and 3rd film, since I still haven't done that yet!

I just can't stop being very impressed with the effects, almost on par with the first film, almost.
Like I said, Like the Matrix? Then watch Kaydara.
I Give Kaydara, 9/10

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Frank is a retired Black Ops CIA agent, who's been talking to a girl on the phone for I'm guess months, as almost like a fantasy, they soon decide to meet each other, only because Frank found out his calls were being bugged and he doesn't know why. Frank and Sarah meet for the first time in a pretty weird situation, Frank is off to find answers, where he meets up with his old pal's, Marvin, Joe, and Victoria who all worked together at some point, they all find that It's not the CIA tracking them down, it's, Vice President, who gave them all RED status, "Retired, Extremely Dangerous". 

Well, this wasn't that bad of a movie, just kind of slow, through out the whole movie, there was some funny bits here and there, and some pretty cool explosions and what not, but, it was only in a few scenes. The movie is basically the team trying to find out who wants them dead, which kind of got boring. 
When it was time for humor, it was pretty funny. Then when it was time for action, there was alot of bullets flying at explosions to satisfy, but only for the few minutes it went on for. Other than that, it fell a little flat.
The acting was good though, John Malkovich's character was my favorite, for being kind of crazy but great shot with a gun. The cast they chose was pretty good, they include
Bruce Willis ( Frank Moses )
Mary-Louise Parker  (Sarah) 
 Morgan Freeman (Joe Matheson)
 John Malkovich (Marvin Boggs)
 Helen Mirren (Victoria)
 Karl Urban (William Cooper)

That's only the main characters in the movie, there are a few extra's I didn't mention, cause well, you should just see the movie if you wan't to see them all. Soundtrack of the movie wasn't that bad, just sounded like your generic action movie music, nothing real special about it. 

I give, RED, 6/10

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Kids Are All Right

The Kids Are All Right is about, two kids with two moms, both kids are sperm donor kids, the son wants to meet the guy who donated, the sister (after doing some digging) found the form and got his number. Laser (the son) Joni (daughter) meet up Paul and ask questions and get to know each other. Paul soon meets the lesbian parents Nic, and Jules. After meeting them, the family starts to completely fall apart and a ton of drama starts to happen. 

Well, where do I start? This movie had good actors, that played there part pretty good. The story was pretty good as well. I loved how slowly, after meeting Paul, the family just starting falling apart, really showed how good the movie is. 

I liked the actors they chose to play the parts, just happy there not unknown actors, well, only like 2 people in the movie were, but they didn't have big parts. 

If you like this type of movie, with good actors and a pretty solid storyline, then this movie is for you.

I give The Kids Are All Right, 7/10

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End

In the 3rd entry of the Pirates Saga, we find that everybody still seems to be after the chest which holds the heart of Davy Jones, The East Indian Trading Company has it to use the chest as leverage against Davy to make him do what they tell him. Everyone was seeing a big change soon which ordered that all the Pirate Lords come together for a meeting to decide what they do, fight? or run?. Someone who you wouldn't suspect is a new captain of a ship, a trader appears to of been leaving bread crumbs for the ETIC to follow them, and an epic battle between ships happens leaving many people dead, and a new captain is hired.
Did my best about keeping spoilers out, since, there is a ton of stuff that happens in the 3rd installment. Again the music is just wonderfully fit in the movie. Everyone returns to reprise there character, which the addition of a ton of new ones including Jack's father, with 8 new pirate lords, all are exciting characters.
The action in this movie is darker and way more exciting than the previous two. The story is just amazing as the other two, which makes this the perfect third entry! 
Like the previous one, the CGI is amazing and even tops the second entry, with a very exciting end battle scene with an amazing storm which makes it the most epic pirates movie yet!
The humor in this movie actually even more dulled than the last one, which was dulled compared to the first one. Which is no problem, just means this one is more dark than before, which is good, means it's more serious. 
Like the other two, everyone without knowing it, gets entangled with one another in good and bad ways. 
This third entry is by far my favorite Pirates movie, so many reasons why. This one just tops everything in the previous installments and leaves you wanting more. 
I give At Worlds End, 9/10

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

That's The Way I Like It

Who says you can't mix Kung Fu with Disco?

Hock works at a local grocery store, with the dream of someday owning a motor bike, the only catch, it cost's 3,000 dollars, he then finds out about a dance competition that the winner get's 5,000 dollars, well, split down the middle with your dance partner. He brother comes to visit to tell them he wan'ts to be a women, and needs 2,000 dollars, his father is just outraged at him, and orders him to leave. Soon, Hock enters the disco competition  in hopes of winning the money.

Wow, I just loved this movie. The acting is pretty good, I loved the music in it, granted its all disco music, theres really no one in the movie you will may or may not recognize but, the cast is good, for the role there playing.

This movie takes place in Singapore in the mid 70's, which explains why disco is such a big hit in the movie.

That's the way I like it, came out in 1998 and I saw this movie when it first came out, via VHS, and ever since then, I loved the movie, just everything about this movie, the humor, the story, the music, everything.
I've been on the hunt for this movie, since about 2004, when the VHS broke and I was kind of bummed, not till just a couple months ago I just happen to find it in a DVD rental store for sale even. So, well, I bought it.

If you love Disco, Kung Fu, dorky humor, and just a good time period. Then watch this movie, you probably won't regret it. It's just an overall fun movie to watch.

I give That's the way I like it, a 8/10

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Almighty Thor

Yes, I bring yet another Thor movie, makes number 3, yet I also have a fourth to, but I'll wait with that one.
This sad movie is about Loki on his quest to get the Hammer to destroy everything in his sights for power. After Thor's Father and Brother are killed, It's up to Thor to kill Loki and restore peace.
What a pathetic movie! You know a movie is bad when there's burnt out actors from the 80's in it that for some reason, can't act anymore, and out of work wrestlers trying to act and play a god...
The acting was the worst part in the movie, and the shitty CGI with a terrible plot, and a terrible script, that makes you think a 10 year wrote it. 
For some reason, the only place on earth they go to is, LA, go figure. This one is by far the lamest of lame Thor movies. 
They made Thor in this movie to be quite the little whiny bitch. Also, Thor's brother was the worst actor in this movie, I laughed when Loki killed him, Whoops, I gave away a major plot point. Not. Was a crappy 1hr 30mins of my day.
If you guys need to see a Thor movie, watch the new 2011 Marvel movie, Thor, you know, the one with awesome CGI and acting. Or, the Animated Marvel Thor movie, either one, just not the shitty Sy-Fy versions.
I give, Almighty Thor, 1.5/10

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

The 2nd installment of the very epic series, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. 
We meet up with Jack Sparrow who has a quest to find the key, to unlock the chest which holds the heart of Davy Jones, the person who controls the ocean. After setting out for it, Jack and Will team up, Will is out for the compass that Jack has, once he has it, Elizabeth will get free from her imprisonment. When Jack finds the Flying Dutchmen, Will sets on board, only to get ambushed by the real ship, and taken prisoner, Will stays on the ship in search of the key.After finally finding the key after a match of, Liars Dice, he finds and takes the key. Now Jack, Elizabeth and Will are after the Chest, which the heart controls the sea.. 
This was a very epic sequel. The acting was just perfect, the humor was actually kind of dulled down compared to the first one, there's a ton of CG in this movie, including a monstrous Kraken!
The music in this movie was just amazing, all the songs truly fit each scene.Yes, I never commented on the soundtrack to the 1st one, was also epic. There, I said it. 
I just love how with this one, each person wants this and this, and the characters end up crossing path's with everybody at some point without trying, except for a few parts.
I also very much loved the very last scene, huge give away to who's in the 3rd one, but that's to much of a spoiler.
Just about every character comes back to reprise there role, and do it oh so well. Just makes for the perfect sequel. And this one, is not one to be missed. Only makes me want to watch the 3rd one.
I give, Dead Man's Chest, 8/10

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

My review of, Pirates of the Caribbean
Mainly this movie is about, Captain Barbossa tracking down a lost coin from a treasure chest, that once they removed a piece, they became cursed. Captain Jack Sparrow goes to a town to steal another ship, after saving Elizabeth Swann, she gets kidnapped by pirates, the pirates think she is someone else and take her,  Jack meets up with Will Turner who helps him steal a ship to go out and save Swann. All three eventually meet up and Jack slowly without Will or Elizabeth knowing, turns them into pirates. 
2hours and 30minutes later, I'm very impressed and blown away, since this is the best pirate movie I've ever seen, and I've seen a few. Very good cast of actors that you wouldn't think to be in a pirate movie, pull this movie off with ease. 
Story/plot are so well done, the movie keeps your attention till the very end-credit scene. Acting is very well done, all pull of there character just perfect. 
The scale of this movie is just huge, so many people, huge effects, a ton of stunts. Just a huge movie period. 
I've always liked watching pirate movies, but never found a good one, till I saw this movie in theaters and was hooked on this series ever since the first one!
This review is number 1 of 4. Yep, spoiler is over. 2-3 will be out throughout the week with number 4 arriving on Saturday! Will also count as a slight countdown I guess.
Another thing I loved, is everybody's costumes, very real looking and made to impress! Everything about this movie is just perfect, I found almost no flaws, in fact, I can't really name any flaws, so I guess, It's a very wonderful movie.
I give Pirates of the Caribbean: 9/10

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Yogi Bear

Hey, Boo Boo, I see another picnic basket! Nope, just two talking bears.
After Yogi and Boo Boo keep making fools of themselves the forest ranger asks them to keep hidden and act like real bears. Few days pass and the mayor decides to buy out the forest and chop it all down for money, now it's up to Yogi and Boo Boo to prevent that from happening.
I haven't been a huge fan of Yogi Bear, when I was younger I used to watch the cartoon some of the times, So I figured I'll give the movie a go.
The effects were pretty good, givin that it's two talking bears. I liked that they both sounded just like the original cartoon, that was good. Most of the actors were familiar, with some good acting, most of it was very dorky and very, very cheesy. Pretty much can't take this movie seriously, not one bit. 
I did kind of like it, my first live action CGI kiddy movie in sometime. You just have to like, weird dorky humor.
I give Yogi Bear, 6/10

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Hills Run Red

So it's about time I do another Horror movie, and well, It's awesome.
Tyler, who is very much a movie buff, finds online a movie from the 70's, which is a horror movie, after finding out that the movie never was finished or released due to its graphic nature, he sets out with a few of his friends to go and steal a copy of the film, after going to the middle of nowhere (of course) he and his friends soon find that, there the next chapter in the movie. Now they have to survive. Once they get there, they soon meet some kind of person, ( much like what they did with Jason and Micheal Myers) who is the lead killer in the movie, who is kind of creepy looking, but to me, more like awesome looking!
I found that this movie was awesome, the acting could of been better, but I loved the story, I found it to be very much unique. The only downside is, I only saw a couple actors that I knew from other works, which is fine, but the rest of the cast (to me) are unknowns. 
There is a TON of gore in this movie, well that is when they get to this farm. The kill scenes were just awesome, you get to see someone get split in half. I thought that was just epic seeing it. 
I first rented this movie cause I wanted a horror movie to watch, and it more than satisfied me. Sure the first like 10mintues were kind of slow, but after that, the movie just picks up and is a very good Horror B-movie, yes, B movie. Not a big A movie, but it's still very good.
I give The Hills Run Red a perfect, 8/10

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Mechanic

Is about a Mechanic named, Bishop who does "jobs", after recruiting Steve to be almost like his predecessor, Steve finds out Bishop killed his father, and slightly goes after vengeance, followed by a nice twist at the end of the movie.
This movie had enough action/pretty good kill scenes/acting and twist to keep me through to the end. Movie wasn't really that great, just kind of, ok, but still worth seeing, that is if one of your favorite actors is in it. I like how they say "Mechanic" as a hitman type of person. To me that's kind of unique. 
Some of the action scenes were somewhat over the top but, pretty entertaining. 
I don't really know what else to say about this movie. This was a pretty A to B review. The movie was good, but not SO much stuff happened to have a huge review like most, you know? 
Anyways. I give The Mechanic a 6/10

I Love You, Beth Cooper

I Love You, Beth Cooper, is about a very geeky guy who, on graduation, gave a very big speech in front of all the seniors. He pointed out who he loved (beth cooper) and pointed out who is lame/stuck up/gay/retarded/stupid/ect,,, making him a very big target. After he sets up a house party he invites everybody, Beth Cooper shows up at his party as a joke. After a series of weird events, Denis and his friend Rich and Beth's friends all get a car and travel the night away, which even more bad/weird stuff happens.
 I've gotta say, I avoided this movie for a few reasons. All reviews of this movie were awful. The ratings made it seem like a very terrible movie, but, after turning on, Showtime, I decided to watch it, and well, I liked it. 
The acting was actually not that bad, the plot was kind of generic but better than most, the actors in the movie were actually pretty good, and a lot of humor that kept me laughing till the credits. 
I was surprised I liked it givin the very bad reviews. But, can't judge a book by its cover because someone said it was shit. 
I give, I Love You, Beth Cooper a nice, 7/10

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Alas, The all mighty Thor, the one we were all waiting for is finally out.
After getting casted out by his father Oden, Thor has been banished to earth as his punishment. He then soon meets up with a couple human scientists who help him try to get his hammer back after it was in-cased in a rock and then soon taken by SHIELD who is trying to figure out how it works. After some pretty intense fight scenes Thor's friends come down to earth to help him get back to his home, he then learns the truth and battles it out with his brother Loki. 
Wow. This movie was just an epic movie. The acting was just great, the effects were amazing and the story kept me till the very end credits cause of the end-credits scene. I've always liked the legend of Thor, and now that marvel finally made it into a live action movie, it re-opens my interest in the legend. Just, wow. This movie was just so epic I want to see it again and again.
Thor has an awesome cast of actors/actresses in this epic movie. Acting was so well done made me just shocked at how good this is.
The only thing I didn't like, is that they never really hinted at a sequel like all the other ones, there could possibly be one, but I'm not really counting on it. But, Thor is coming back on the big screen in, The Avengers. To me, The Avengers could be Thor's sequel or something, maybe.
If you like any of the marvel movies, or just the legend of Thor I highly recommend seeing this movie right away, you will not be disappointed at all.
I have noticed, ever since the Reboot of The Incredible Hulk, the marvel movies have been getting better and better, which is just awesome, so there is hope for The Amazing Spider-Man...a little..

I give Thor a mighty 9/10 for just being an amazing epic adventure!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Thor: Hammer of the Gods

Thor: Hammer of the Gods is about a guy named Thor, who is with his army of knights? I don't know. But he soon starts to have this visions of this, mighty god like person, to find out that its actually him, then he searches for a hammer, that once belonged to him from another life, but he didnt know that. Till know. 
The movie sucked ass, everything about it. The script/props/acting/cloths/CGI/EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS MOVIE SUCKED ASS!!!!!
This movie did air on the Sy-Fy network, which explains all the bad acting, shitty effects, and boring and lackluster story.
Plus, this movie wasn't even historically accurate, for one Thor has a modern low cut Mohawk! The ladies in the movie have WAY to much makeup on, and. Back then, men wouldn't let women fight with them, they thought it would slow them down. Everything about this movie is wrong.
Sorry everybody at the SyFy network, but PLEASE STOP MAKING MOVIES!!!!!
I do not recommend seeing this movie, you will regret it. This review will be short, cause, well, I hate this movie, i only watched it to get in the Thor spirit, and thank god that Thor 2011 is out now.
I give Thor: hammer of the Gods, a poor, 1.5/10


I Review, Beowulf 2007. 
This is review 1 of 3 of this weekend, all leading to a grand finale of the week. 
Beowulf is well the story of Beowulf, leading his troops through battle, after a small village is attacked by Grendel, Beowulf is sent to kill the monster who killed many of the Kings Men. After which, he continues his life as the new King. And well, that's basically the plot. 
This movie was just great, had great voice acting, and very, very good effects and just looked awesome. They really made this movie just perfect. 
I did watch a small making of, they used film capture or something, where they film live, but then add CGI and all that, kind of the same way they did, Avatar. 
The acting was pretty good, mixed with some humor, and a TON of gore and action kept me till the very end credits. They did kind of leave this movie open at the end for a possible sequel but, they won't. You can just kind of let your mind wonder and guess what may happen. 
This review is based on the directors cut of the film, not theatrical release. 
I never actually did see it in theaters, was way to busy. But, dvd will work just fine. 
It did look like i was watching a video game, but a film instead, I would love to see a sequel based on Beowulf s right hand man, but it just probably wont happen.
Towards the end of the movie, we get to see a very impressive looked dragon, i was very impressed with how detailed the dragon was. 
Everything about this movie was just almost perfect to me. 
 I Give Beowulf a wonderful 8/10

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Phantom

So, Who said a purple spandex suit can't look awesome? This is my review of, The Phantom. 

The Phantom is about well, A Phantom who lives in a strange island on Bengalla where the people who live on the island help the Phantom. A group of followers of the, Singh Brotherhood who have been after a set of three skulls, when together the skulls have massive amounts of power. The Phantom quickly saves a girl, who was a long time friend, and sets out to prevent the Singh Brotherhood followers from getting all three skulls. 

The Phantom came out in the mid 90's. When I first saw this movie I just loved it, everything about it. But yet, I was only about 7 or 8 when I first saw it. Now, my view on the movie kind of changed, but to much, just a little. 

The acting in most spots are kind of over the top, and almost ridiculous, epically the bad guy, Xander Drax who was played by, Treat Williams. He wasn't the only one who's acting was over the top. Though, Xander in the movie was kind of, eccentric. So, maybe, I don't know. 
The special effects were, cheesy, age had to do with it, but most of it was pretty good. They filmed on location so it helped look more real. 
Phantom in the movie almost was lost for words when speaking to his ex-girlfriend, Diana Palmer who was played by, Kristy Swanson, who played the role pretty good. Everyone did there role fine, with the exception of a few people who I won't name, you can't watch it and find out yourself.

They did make a sequel I guess, or another story in it, which aired on the Sy-fy Channel, I haven't actually watched it yet, but soon there will be a review of it. 
I Give The Phantom a almost weak, 6/10 The action scenes is what boosted the score.