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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

That's The Way I Like It

Who says you can't mix Kung Fu with Disco?

Hock works at a local grocery store, with the dream of someday owning a motor bike, the only catch, it cost's 3,000 dollars, he then finds out about a dance competition that the winner get's 5,000 dollars, well, split down the middle with your dance partner. He brother comes to visit to tell them he wan'ts to be a women, and needs 2,000 dollars, his father is just outraged at him, and orders him to leave. Soon, Hock enters the disco competition  in hopes of winning the money.

Wow, I just loved this movie. The acting is pretty good, I loved the music in it, granted its all disco music, theres really no one in the movie you will may or may not recognize but, the cast is good, for the role there playing.

This movie takes place in Singapore in the mid 70's, which explains why disco is such a big hit in the movie.

That's the way I like it, came out in 1998 and I saw this movie when it first came out, via VHS, and ever since then, I loved the movie, just everything about this movie, the humor, the story, the music, everything.
I've been on the hunt for this movie, since about 2004, when the VHS broke and I was kind of bummed, not till just a couple months ago I just happen to find it in a DVD rental store for sale even. So, well, I bought it.

If you love Disco, Kung Fu, dorky humor, and just a good time period. Then watch this movie, you probably won't regret it. It's just an overall fun movie to watch.

I give That's the way I like it, a 8/10

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