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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hannibal Rising

Finally, we can start at the beginning. 

Hannibal is around 8 or 9 years old, when planes and tanks start destroying everything. Hannibal's parents take him and his sister to a safe house, not soon after, a tank filled with thieves come and kill the mother, while a flying over head plane starts shooting and kills the father. They soon kill the younger sister due to starvation. Cut to around 9 years later, where Hannibal escapes the orphanage (once his home) and seeks out his Aunt. He then tracks down the people who ate his sister. 

Despite the bad reviews, this movie was actually pretty good. We get to see all the events that changed him into the monster that he is. Also get to see his first kill, everything. Story line wise, it's pretty good and strong, this movie did keep me very much interested. 

Acting was not so bad, I really liked the person they chose to play, young Hannibal Lecter. 

The actor does play a pretty convincing younger Hannibal, which was pretty good. Seeing him slowly change into a monster was done nicely. The score of the film wasn't that bad, but when I said that a kind of dorky song played during a not so dorky scene. Oh well. 

This does conclude the series, which is actually (chronological) the first one. Also, my last review of May. Reviews will return June 1st.

I give Hannibal Rising, 7/10

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I won't be including list of cast members anymore, just makes it go faster. 

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