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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Yogi Bear

Hey, Boo Boo, I see another picnic basket! Nope, just two talking bears.
After Yogi and Boo Boo keep making fools of themselves the forest ranger asks them to keep hidden and act like real bears. Few days pass and the mayor decides to buy out the forest and chop it all down for money, now it's up to Yogi and Boo Boo to prevent that from happening.
I haven't been a huge fan of Yogi Bear, when I was younger I used to watch the cartoon some of the times, So I figured I'll give the movie a go.
The effects were pretty good, givin that it's two talking bears. I liked that they both sounded just like the original cartoon, that was good. Most of the actors were familiar, with some good acting, most of it was very dorky and very, very cheesy. Pretty much can't take this movie seriously, not one bit. 
I did kind of like it, my first live action CGI kiddy movie in sometime. You just have to like, weird dorky humor.
I give Yogi Bear, 6/10

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