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Friday, May 6, 2011

Thor: Hammer of the Gods

Thor: Hammer of the Gods is about a guy named Thor, who is with his army of knights? I don't know. But he soon starts to have this visions of this, mighty god like person, to find out that its actually him, then he searches for a hammer, that once belonged to him from another life, but he didnt know that. Till know. 
The movie sucked ass, everything about it. The script/props/acting/cloths/CGI/EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS MOVIE SUCKED ASS!!!!!
This movie did air on the Sy-Fy network, which explains all the bad acting, shitty effects, and boring and lackluster story.
Plus, this movie wasn't even historically accurate, for one Thor has a modern low cut Mohawk! The ladies in the movie have WAY to much makeup on, and. Back then, men wouldn't let women fight with them, they thought it would slow them down. Everything about this movie is wrong.
Sorry everybody at the SyFy network, but PLEASE STOP MAKING MOVIES!!!!!
I do not recommend seeing this movie, you will regret it. This review will be short, cause, well, I hate this movie, i only watched it to get in the Thor spirit, and thank god that Thor 2011 is out now.
I give Thor: hammer of the Gods, a poor, 1.5/10

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