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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

The 2nd installment of the very epic series, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. 
We meet up with Jack Sparrow who has a quest to find the key, to unlock the chest which holds the heart of Davy Jones, the person who controls the ocean. After setting out for it, Jack and Will team up, Will is out for the compass that Jack has, once he has it, Elizabeth will get free from her imprisonment. When Jack finds the Flying Dutchmen, Will sets on board, only to get ambushed by the real ship, and taken prisoner, Will stays on the ship in search of the key.After finally finding the key after a match of, Liars Dice, he finds and takes the key. Now Jack, Elizabeth and Will are after the Chest, which the heart controls the sea.. 
This was a very epic sequel. The acting was just perfect, the humor was actually kind of dulled down compared to the first one, there's a ton of CG in this movie, including a monstrous Kraken!
The music in this movie was just amazing, all the songs truly fit each scene.Yes, I never commented on the soundtrack to the 1st one, was also epic. There, I said it. 
I just love how with this one, each person wants this and this, and the characters end up crossing path's with everybody at some point without trying, except for a few parts.
I also very much loved the very last scene, huge give away to who's in the 3rd one, but that's to much of a spoiler.
Just about every character comes back to reprise there role, and do it oh so well. Just makes for the perfect sequel. And this one, is not one to be missed. Only makes me want to watch the 3rd one.
I give, Dead Man's Chest, 8/10

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