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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Phantom

So, Who said a purple spandex suit can't look awesome? This is my review of, The Phantom. 

The Phantom is about well, A Phantom who lives in a strange island on Bengalla where the people who live on the island help the Phantom. A group of followers of the, Singh Brotherhood who have been after a set of three skulls, when together the skulls have massive amounts of power. The Phantom quickly saves a girl, who was a long time friend, and sets out to prevent the Singh Brotherhood followers from getting all three skulls. 

The Phantom came out in the mid 90's. When I first saw this movie I just loved it, everything about it. But yet, I was only about 7 or 8 when I first saw it. Now, my view on the movie kind of changed, but to much, just a little. 

The acting in most spots are kind of over the top, and almost ridiculous, epically the bad guy, Xander Drax who was played by, Treat Williams. He wasn't the only one who's acting was over the top. Though, Xander in the movie was kind of, eccentric. So, maybe, I don't know. 
The special effects were, cheesy, age had to do with it, but most of it was pretty good. They filmed on location so it helped look more real. 
Phantom in the movie almost was lost for words when speaking to his ex-girlfriend, Diana Palmer who was played by, Kristy Swanson, who played the role pretty good. Everyone did there role fine, with the exception of a few people who I won't name, you can't watch it and find out yourself.

They did make a sequel I guess, or another story in it, which aired on the Sy-fy Channel, I haven't actually watched it yet, but soon there will be a review of it. 
I Give The Phantom a almost weak, 6/10 The action scenes is what boosted the score.

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