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Saturday, May 7, 2011


Alas, The all mighty Thor, the one we were all waiting for is finally out.
After getting casted out by his father Oden, Thor has been banished to earth as his punishment. He then soon meets up with a couple human scientists who help him try to get his hammer back after it was in-cased in a rock and then soon taken by SHIELD who is trying to figure out how it works. After some pretty intense fight scenes Thor's friends come down to earth to help him get back to his home, he then learns the truth and battles it out with his brother Loki. 
Wow. This movie was just an epic movie. The acting was just great, the effects were amazing and the story kept me till the very end credits cause of the end-credits scene. I've always liked the legend of Thor, and now that marvel finally made it into a live action movie, it re-opens my interest in the legend. Just, wow. This movie was just so epic I want to see it again and again.
Thor has an awesome cast of actors/actresses in this epic movie. Acting was so well done made me just shocked at how good this is.
The only thing I didn't like, is that they never really hinted at a sequel like all the other ones, there could possibly be one, but I'm not really counting on it. But, Thor is coming back on the big screen in, The Avengers. To me, The Avengers could be Thor's sequel or something, maybe.
If you like any of the marvel movies, or just the legend of Thor I highly recommend seeing this movie right away, you will not be disappointed at all.
I have noticed, ever since the Reboot of The Incredible Hulk, the marvel movies have been getting better and better, which is just awesome, so there is hope for The Amazing Spider-Man...a little..

I give Thor a mighty 9/10 for just being an amazing epic adventure!

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