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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Almighty Thor

Yes, I bring yet another Thor movie, makes number 3, yet I also have a fourth to, but I'll wait with that one.
This sad movie is about Loki on his quest to get the Hammer to destroy everything in his sights for power. After Thor's Father and Brother are killed, It's up to Thor to kill Loki and restore peace.
What a pathetic movie! You know a movie is bad when there's burnt out actors from the 80's in it that for some reason, can't act anymore, and out of work wrestlers trying to act and play a god...
The acting was the worst part in the movie, and the shitty CGI with a terrible plot, and a terrible script, that makes you think a 10 year wrote it. 
For some reason, the only place on earth they go to is, LA, go figure. This one is by far the lamest of lame Thor movies. 
They made Thor in this movie to be quite the little whiny bitch. Also, Thor's brother was the worst actor in this movie, I laughed when Loki killed him, Whoops, I gave away a major plot point. Not. Was a crappy 1hr 30mins of my day.
If you guys need to see a Thor movie, watch the new 2011 Marvel movie, Thor, you know, the one with awesome CGI and acting. Or, the Animated Marvel Thor movie, either one, just not the shitty Sy-Fy versions.
I give, Almighty Thor, 1.5/10

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